Friday, October 28, 2011

You Are Standing For Something

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day and a very successful week coming to a close for you!

Yesterday I had a conversation with a gentleman who said, "the decision you have made for your family is honorable, it's not the decision I would have made but it is very honorable that you would take that stand for your family." He was not happy and his tone was not pleasant. In that moment I was keenly aware of the unintentional testimony I had just given - praise the Lord! - and I was more sure than ever before that the decision I had made was the right one for me. Since that conversation yesterday morning I have not been able to get that thought, that idea - what do you stand for? - out of my mind.

Life is funny, it is in the moments of our greatest trials & tribulations that we are often given the opportunity to take our strongest stand. I have been through trials where I had to take a stand for believing in student-athletes, the greatness that is within them, to accept the responsibility that comes along with the honor of being called Coach to help them become the best they are capable of becoming or did I care more about making sure the scoreboard said my team had more points at the end of the game than the other team? I have taken a stand on racism; do I really believe that every life has meaning, value and purpose or do I see people simply by the color of their skin? I have taken a stand on truth - complete honesty without deception. Do I really believe that it is the foundation of every relationship, that it is to be fought for, honored and protected or do I believe in situational honesty, white lies, stretching the truth or deception? 

While family, valuing people, racism and honesty are big platforms and easy to see, I am mindful that we make many small stands every single day. The words we speak, the things we do...these are all platforms. When a woman walks by with a skirt that is too short and/or a shirt that is cut too low, I am going to take a stand for my wife. I am either going to honor her by intentionally choosing to bounce my eyes away or I am going to dishonor her by allowing my gaze to linger. When opportunities to speak negatively about others present themselves I am going to take a stand. I am going to actively engage this type of conversation - gossip - or I am going to acknowledge that every life has value, meaning and purpose, that we are all trying to figure this life out and do the best we can and keep my mouth shut if I cannot say anything nice about that person. I am going to take a stand when I could stay at the office and do a little more work or I could leave and surprise one of my sons at one of their practices. Please understand, I am not talking about being irresponsible; I am talking about letting my sons know that they really, truly are the priority in my life when I can do so even if that means I might have to stay up a little later - after I tuck them in - to send that email, get up a little earlier or work with a little more focus and purpose tomorrow. The list goes on and on.

It is not my intent at all to tell you what you should stand for in your life. These are things that you have to determine on your own...I would strongly encourage you to seek God's counsel in doing so! My sole intent with this "Happy Friday" is for all of us to be aware that we are taking a stand every day. I hope and I pray that we will think these things through and choose wisely for we all, individually, will have to live with the result of these stands within our own hearts - whether that be peace or regret.

My heart is also screaming at me to share with you that taking a stand does not come without cost. Sometimes the cost is walking a lonely yourself with a peace in your heart that goes beyond understanding. Sometimes the cost is financial insecurity...not knowing exactly how it will all work out, just that it will. And regardless of the cost, the bold confidence that God is with you, He loves you, He has a plan for your life, that He will never leave you nor forsake you and - so long as you truly listen to your heart...that is how God speaks to us - everything will be just fine.

A few quick quotes for you:
"It's not hard to make decisions when you know what your values are." - Roy Disney
"Those who stand for nothing fall for anything." - Alexander Hamilton
"Give us clear vision, that we may know where to stand and what to stand for - because unless
    we stand for something, we shall fall for anything." - Peter Marshall

Please let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family.

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please enjoy and cherish your precious families.


Thursday, October 20, 2011


Happy Friday Friends!

I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day and an awesome week coming to a close for you. So, it is a little after 10:30 p.m. on Thursday night and I feel compelled to write my "Happy Friday" now. Go figure! Well, it is Friday somewhere AND, all of those in the Eastern time zone who complain that I get "Happy Friday" out late each week will be happy!

I want to share a few excerpts/quotes with you:
  • "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." - John C. Maxwell
  • "People don't care who you are or what you do; they care that you care about them." - Tony Dungy
  • Paraphrasing (because I can't find the book right now!!) what Gary Vaynerchuk said in his book "CRUSH IT!"; the greatest sales secret of all time - care. This is the entire chapter. Gary encourages the reader to contact him if they have any questions.
  • A few excerpts from the book "Customer Astonishment: 10 Secrets to World-Class Customer Care" by Darby Checketts (A GREAT book by the way!):
    • "As we each pursue our goals, we often focus on trying to figure out what we must DO to be successful. The more important quest may be to identify who we must BE to attract the success we desire."
    • "Instead of focusing right away on your handy to-Do list, discover the power of identifying what you need to BE. Then, you will recognize what you truly must do to make a lasting difference and a more genuine contribution to those you intend to astonish."
    • "In the customer care business, people who are INTERESTED in others study them in advance, learn about them, and take good notes when listening to them. They become world-class interviewers so that they can get beyond the symptoms of the customer's problems to the root causes - to connect stated wants with the underlying needs customers have." 
Care...genuinely care about others. Put aside our wants, our desires, our thoughts, our ideas, etc., and focus on the wants, desires, thoughts and ideas of others. To not look at what we will get out of someone or from a situation but rather what we can do for someone or to make a situation better. It's funny isn't it? We would all love to have others care about us however when it comes to genuinely caring about others we sometimes find this difficult. Please be mindful that the true intention of the heart is found in moments of adversity. It is easy to say we's an entirely different matter to live out the care we profess to have in our hearts. 

Who in your life desperately wants you to care about them? To see them for who they are - with all of their faults, failures, brokenness, greatness, potential and ability - and who they can become, not for what they can do for you? Who do you really care about - who you have meant to call, email, text, etc. - however you have just not stopped long enough to take the time to tell them? We ALL have faults, failures, brokenness, greatness, potential and ability...every last one of us! And, we ALL desperately want others to care about our worries, our fears, our hopes, our dreams and our problems...yes, every last one of us! So why don't we - you and I - just be really wild and crazy on this Friday and really be people who care? Why don't we force ourselves, just for a second, to care about our spouses, children, friends, co-workers, etc.? Look into their eyes, feel the weight of their worry, fear, hope, dream or problem. When you genuinely care, they will feel it...they will know.

A couple of other quick thoughts and I will wrap this up (started spunky...getting tired!):
  1. I often hear others say things like, "My kids issues aren't near as big as mine" or "There is no way my wife could ever feel the pressure I feel". The truth is others' worries, fears, hopes, dreams and problems are every bit as big to them as yours and mine are to us. We don't see it that way because, well, ours are personal to us. Please Friends, let's slow down and be mindful that the same things we feel, others do as well.
  2. Care...can you believe I actually looked this up in the dictionary and was going to give you the definition? Seriously? Have we really gotten to a point in society where I would actually need to provide the definition of care so we could then all care about others? I seriously hope not! Here are a few quick things that come to mind to share; if someone is crying, comfort them. If someone is scared, assure them. If someone looks sad, smile at them. If someone looks like they are carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, offer to help them carry it. If someone has fallen, help and encourage them get back up and keep going. When someone needs you, be there...fully present.
Please let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you or your families.

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please, take just a moment today to truly care about others whose lives you are blessed to cross paths with today.


Friday, October 14, 2011

The Little Preacher

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day! What a beautiful day it is...full of promise, hope and opportunity!

Wow, what a week! The littlest preacher in our family, my 6-year old son, was preaching through living some powerful sermons this week. Matthew 19:13 (MSG - I love The Message translation. I heard it said once that The Message is so simple even linebackers can understand it. I would add also tight ends who went across the middle to many times!): "One day children were brought to Jesus in the hope that he would lay hands on them and pray over them. The disciples shooed them off. But Jesus intervened: "Let the children alone, don't prevent them from coming to me. God's kingdom is made up of people like these." After laying hands on them, he left."

Please allow me to share with you the three lessons that the Little Preacher shared with me this week.
  1. On Tuesday the Little Preacher had flag football practice. Now, if you have never been to anything sports for 6-year olds, please do yourself a favor and go watch. It doesn't matter if it is a practice or a game, if it is baseball, softball, soccer, basketball, volleyball or football. I promise you, you will leave with a smile on your face and a greater understanding of true happiness, joy and peace. Anyways, the Little Preacher was standing in the huddle, getting the play from his coach - thank goodness there is no delay of game in flag football for 6-year olds...the process takes about 5 minutes!! - when all of the sudden the Little Preacher looked over to me and signaled, "I love you." He points to his eye (I), he made the shape of a heart with those precious little hands (love) and pointed to me (you). I almost fell out of my chair. He could care less about the play, what anyone else thought or said...he simply felt in his heart that he wanted to tell me he loved me so he did. Honored, blessed beyond measure, wishing and hoping I would listen to my heart so clearly, not worry about anything or anyone other than doing what my heart tells me to do and never being "too busy" to tell those we cherish that we love them! Amen Little Preacher!
  2. After the exhausting practice - the practice lasts an hour, they run maybe ten plays however they are running all over the place...hey, there are bugs and stuff out there!!! - we came home for dinner. The Little Preacher announces that "I am going to be a pro football player." His 15-year old brother responds, "I thought you were going to be a Navy Seal." Without so much as a pause, the Little Preacher says, "God has a plan for me." My Beautiful Bride, two other sons and I just looked at each other. It was that weird, awkward moment...nobody knows what to say and everyone has that dumbfounded look on their face. Meanwhile the Little Preacher is looking at all of us like we are nuts! He seems to be saying, "what? God has a plan for my life. There is nothing to worry about here. Pro football, Navy doesn't matter. God has a plan and I trust in that plan." Still blows me away typing this! The words of conviction flowed so freely from his sweet mouth and his expression and body language left no doubt that he believes it fully. Your faith and belief is challenging my spirit Little Preacher...Amen!
  3. Yesterday the boys and I were playing baseball together. I love to go hit them pop flys...don't know why however it has always been a time of great joy and peace for me. I had been hitting them pop flys for a little while when I saw the Little Preacher sitting under a tree. I asked him what was wrong. He said, "nuffin" which of course means something is wrong. I walked over to him and again asked him what was wrong. He said, "I hurt my thumb." I did all the Daddy Doctor stuff...are you o.k.? does it hurt here? can you bend your thumb? It became perfectly clear that his thumb was just fine...he just wanted me to know that he had hurt his thumb and he wanted me to care. Have you ever felt that way? Something hurt, you are o.k., but you desperately want someone to know you were hurt and that they care about your hurt. Me too! So why don't we? After receiving the necessary treatment of a hug, the Little Preacher tore off yelling, "Dad, it's my turn!" Take the time to notice someone else's pain, genuinely care and offer whatever love you have to offer. Got it Little Preacher!
I have been reading UNcommon: Finding Your Path to Significance by Tony Dungy with Nathan Whitaker. I have been wanting to share an excerpt from the book with all of you and I feel now be the right time.
"I don't know what's going on in your life right now. I don't know what important stuff you have in front of you. I don't know what or who is bothering you or trying to set your schedule for tomorrow or days ahead. But I wonder if we all need to do a better job of listening to that gentle whisper from a God who daily reminds us to enjoy the sacred moments with those we love - with dear friends, with those who need us, and especially with our precious children. They are moments we will look back on with either regret or a smile.
Either way, the memory will last forever."
The weight of the last statement - "Either way, the memory will last forever" - never escapes me, no matter how many times I read it or type it. Challenging, inspiring, overwhelming...

Please let me know if there is ever anything I can do for any of you or your families. I will be willing and honored to help you any way I can.

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and I hope that all of us will never forget that either way, the memories will last forever.


Friday, October 7, 2011

Who Are You Doing Life With Today?

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day! It is beautiful in Arizona as Fall has finally arrived! This morning it was a cool 57 degrees...before those of you in the Midwest and East laugh, please understand that is a 50 degree swing in the last two weeks for us in the "dry heat" of Arizona! Besides, you all are wimps with your 85 and 90 degree highs in the summer (let's pretend for a minute there is no humidity, o.k.?!?!).

On Tuesday I had one of those days where my heart was heavy, my spirit felt dark, everything just seemed so...gloomy. Ever had one of those days? God has blessed me with a great Godly man in my life whose son is on my 15-year olds football team. LeeDell is a firefighter and I knew he was not working that day - it is pathetic, I know "C" shifts schedule better than he does! - and there was a great chance he would be at football practice that day watching his son. It was funny; I just had this sense, this feeling, that I needed to make sure that I was there on time to spend some time with agenda, no plan, just spend time with a great man. Well, by the time practice was over we had discussed faith, family, our failures, our hopes, he had challenged me and I him and we had encouraged one another. Oh yeah, and we laughed a lot! We always laugh a lot...mostly at ourselves! By the time we left practice - I think the team practiced though I am not sure as all of my focus and attention was on our conversation! - everything in life seemed so much clearer, life made sense again and as hard as I tried I could not figure out why my heart had been heavy, why my spirit had felt dark in the first place.

Who is the person, or maybe people if you are very blessed as I am, that you are doing life with? The bible tells us that "iron sharpens iron" and that we should not be "unequally yoked." It has also been said that if you want to know who you will be in 5 years, look at the people you are spending time with today. And so I ask you, who are those people in your life? Do they speak truth to you? Do they love you and care enough about you to tell you what you need to hear instead of what you want to hear even if it isn't what you wanted to hear? Do they challenge and inspire you to be all that you were created to become? Yes, YOU were created to do great things!! Can you lean against them when you are so tired, so weary from the trials and tribulations of life, until your feet are again steadied on the path and you can stand on your own again? The questions can go on and on.

I want to challenge each of us today to thoughtfully, intentionally choose who those people will be who we do life with today. Please be careful with whose counsel you will seek, with what words you will allow to be spoken into your heart today...for those words are little seeds that get planted in your heart, they grow, roots get sunk deep and the fruit that comes from you - your words, your actions, your thoughts - will be born from those seeds. Just as easily as I intentionally sought out LeeDell on Tuesday - and he had no clue that I intentionally sought him out! - I could have called an acquaintance who I know is negative, likes to gossip, does not value faith & family as I do, etc. and that person also would have influenced my heart, my spirit. You, your great value, your purpose in life are way to valuable, way to important to leave who you will do life with to chance or worse, to choose to allow darkness, negativity, etc. to be a part of who you are.

And please, please don't forget to tell these blessings - these people that you do life with - that you love them, that you value them and that you cherish them. Men sometimes feel funny saying these things to other men as they think this makes them less "manly." I could not disagree more strongly!! A man knows who he is. A man is not afraid to speak truth. A man recognizes, values and appreciates his blessings. A man doesn't try to "look good" or "look tough"...he is more concerned with violating his own heart and spirit. To Mark, AJ, Kelly, Jason and LeeDell; I love you, I value you, I cherish you and I thank God every single day for you and for allowing us to do life together!

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for any of you. I would truly be honored and blessed to help you any way I can.

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend, enjoy & cherish those precious families and please choose wisely who you will do life with today!
