I hope & trust this post finds you all having a great day as a glorious new day begins to dawn in my, soon to be, Sweet Home Alabama! Yes, my Beautiful Bride and I are in Alabama to visit with the amazing people God is giving us the honor & privilege to serve with and to find our new home! I am so excited, and blessed, to have this very special time with My Girl! :)
This morning I just want to encourage you in a few different areas.
The first piece of encouragement I want to offer was inspired by a conversation I had earlier this week with one of my current co-workers. She was telling me how she needs to find herself. How she spends so much time worrying about what other people will think of her. How she has no peace. How there is no passion in her life. Sound familiar? We have all been there and, perhaps, you are today.
Sweet Friends, may I please tell you, your life has great value, meaning and purpose. You were created on purpose for a purpose. And please know this, you are perfectly equipped for the purpose for which God created you. I pray you will discover, and then relentlessly pursue the rest of your earthly life, your purpose. I don't know what your purpose is - we all have different purposes - however I know that once you do discover & pursue it, the fire that burns inside of you will burn so brightly that everyone will feel, see & know it! :)
So, there a couple of things to unpack here, in what I consider to be unquestionable truth.
1. How do I know? Well Friends, quite simply I believe what my Bible says. You see, we all believe something. While I cannot tell you what to believe, I am convicted to testify to what I do. After much questioning, prayer, study and, quite honestly, trial & error, I decided I will believe in and put my faith and hope in God. The things I stated above are what He says about you and me in the Bible. So, quite simply, this is how I know.
But what if, like the sweet friend I told you about at the start, you don't believe in God or, as she said, you are "not spiritual." Honestly? At first, my heart broke for her. I honestly don't know how I would make it through this life without God. My faith in Him, my belief in his goodness, has carried me through so many days that I can't imagine going through this life without Him. So, not knowing what to say to her, I prayed for her and about her situation. And in that time I felt a conviction about what I would tell a person who does not believe in God or does not consider themselves spiritual...perhaps you. If so, I want you to know this; having had the privilege to serve others as a college football coach for 16 years and having served others as a development professional for more than 15 years, I have personally met with tens of thousands of people. In all that time I have never met a single person who was not gifted or talented at something, who didn't have some good in their character or who didn't have the ability to make a difference in the life of someone else. Not. One. Single. Person! And, while I do in fact believe you are very special, I don't believe you are so special that you are the only person walking the face of the earth without value, meaning & purpose! :) Ultimately, it is up to you to choose what you believe however you cannot make me change what I believe about YOU!
2. So why don't we just live out our purpose?
Great question! :) Sadly, many of us have been told by other people who we are, who we should be or the life we should live...and we believed them. We valued them more than we valued what we felt in our hearts or what we knew to be true about ourselves.
At some point in our life, most of us had a passion for something. We found that not only were we good at it, we could spend hours working on it and it felt as only a moment had passed. I am reminded of little kids in kindergarten. Every single one of them thinks they are an artist. They are quite happy to draw and they think they are really good at it. And as we go to 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade, the number of artists steadily declines. People begin laughing at their drawings, telling them they are not good and, just like you & me, they believe them. And so they stop drawing... How good are you at things you don't regularly do? Yeah, me neither! :)
So Sweet Friend, I want to encourage you this morning. The rest of your life, starting with this glorious new day, is a blank canvas. You have the pen, pencil, crayon - whatever you want it to be! - in your hand. Starting today, please, create your masterpiece! Yes, the lines will probably be shaky at first...that's o.k.! Just keep doing it. Whether it is singing, writing, coloring, encouraging, baking, creating...whatever it is, please just keep doing it. Why? Because you are worth it and this world needs whatever it is you have to offer! :)
I also want to share with y'all something I read this morning and make it our challenge for this next week.
"While on earth, Jesus met the people right where they were. Depending on where He was, He adapted to their language and their culture. His purpose and message did not change, but His delivery and presentation sometimes did. He did whatever it took to reach the people. He walked for miles, sailed seas, had dinner - whatever it took. I am sure if it had been possible back then, He would have texted too." - Cheri Teeter
How about you & I? Are we willing to do whatever it takes to reach the people? This world is full of lost, hurting & broken people...including you & me! :) God created us for relationship. We all have a need to have people who love us unconditionally, to believe in us fully and we all need to be encouraged. Will we be those people? We can but it will take an intentional effort to do so. Not everyone will love us, believe in us or encourage us however who they are or what they do does not change who we are or prevent us from doing what we feel convicted to do! You and I get to choose! And, the last time I read the Bible, Jesus knows a thing or two about people not loving Him, believing in Him or encouraging Him! Let's be different, let's be like Jesus! :)
Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at kevin@whatwillyourinfluencebe.com.
Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families!