Friday, July 31, 2020


Happy Friday Friends!

I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day as a glorious new day begins to dawn in my Sweet Home Alabama! :)

How are you doing, Friend? I mean really? Are you stressed? Worried? Angry? Fearful? It is a very different time right now, isn't it? All of us are in the midst of a global pandemic and we are dealing - finally! - with racial inequality. These are the things that we all are dealing with and then, there is our individual lives. We all have individual struggles be it a relationship, health, work, etc. There is a lot going on...for all of us!

Have you ever said something in a sharper tone than you meant to say it? Have you ever gotten frustrated and exploded on someone that you weren't even mad at? Have you ever felt the pressure of trying to decide what is best for you and your family to do when so much is uncertain? I think most, if not all, of us can relate to these things.

Earlier this week I was talking to a friend who was telling me about an interaction he had with someone where the other person was a little sharper with the tongue, where they were clearly on edge. I pointed out to my friend the things I just pointed out to all of us and then I said, "We need to give others a lot of grace right now." He knew what I meant; we need to understand that a lot of people have a lot of things going on right now and they are not thinking, speaking and/or acting as they normally would. They are responding out of character. And in those moments, those moments when we could get mad, upset and be offended, we have a choice; we can choose to act on our feelings or we can choose something different - we can choose to show what I, incorrectly, called grace. I say incorrectly because as I studied in preparation for this Happy Friday I learned that what I was really talking about is mercy. So, please give me some mercy here and let's dive in and learn! :) gives this definition of mercy:
"compassion or forbearance shown especially to an offender or to one subject to one's power"
also: "lenient or compassionate treatment"

O.K., this is going to be big; did you know that just because someone treats us mean, rude or nasty, we DO NOT HAVE TO RESPOND WITH THE SAME! Mind blown, right? Instead of responding to an insult with an insult, we can choose to be merciful. Instead of choosing to be offended, we can be merciful. We can choose to respond differently. And guess what happens if we make that choice? 1) We do not allow our peace to be disrupted by the words or actions of another and we do not give up our power to choose our thoughts, words and/or actions. And 2) We help preserve that relationship. In showing mercy, being compassionate and lenient, we are giving the other person the space to deal with their issues without making it about us. It is a recognition that everyone struggles, everyone has failing moments, but that does not mean they are a failure or any of the other nasty names we often call others in those moments.

As I was studying for this Happy Friday I came across a really good post about mercy. It was written on August 26, 2014 by Vinita Hampton Wright and it was titled, What does everyday mercy look like? You can find the full blog at Here is an excerpt I wanted to share with all of us this morning.

"For example, mercy gives you his seat on the bus, acting as if he was about to get up anyway rather than making you feel that he is doing you a favor. Mercy does not let out that sigh - you know the one - the wordless disapproval toward the person in the check-out line ahead of you whose card didn't swipe, or who can't find her coupons, or whose toddler is having a meltdown. Mercy offers quiet sympathy and does not convey with her body language that this holdup is ruining her day. Sometimes mercy chooses not to send back the food that isn't just right, simply because the waitress looks overwhelmed.

When mercy has been wronged, the offended one does not make it difficult for the offender to apologize or ask forgiveness. In fact, mercy does not wait for the other's action but forgives so quickly that the person needing forgiveness is freer to ask for it. Likewise, at work, at home or in the classroom, mercy creates an atmosphere in which a person feels safe enough to admit his mistake or ask a question. And if mercy must correct a person, it pains her to do it, and she does so gently, without vindictive relish.

Mercy makes a habit of giving others the benefit of the doubt. Mercy is not in the habit of sending glares at people who are annoying. Mercy gives charitably, knowing that eventually someone will take advantage of his generosity. Mercy welcomes you, fully aware that this act may disrupt her own plans.

Mercy relinquishes control when doing so allows another person to grow and learn. Mercy makes it his business to help others succeed. Mercy clears the way for others, so that they can walk on an even path, no matter how halting their steps or injured their souls.

In all these situations, mercy treats power as a sacred trust. I can be merciful because I have some sort of power, the means to affect another's life, if only for a moment. I act mercifully when I use my power to do kindness in this world."

Mercy. We all need it. Instead of focusing on what we can get, let us focus on what we can give - mercy to ourselves and others. There is not doubt, these are trying times. While we cannot control the pandemic or the actions of others, we have complete control over how we choose to respond at all times, in all situations. I pray for all of us it will be with mercy.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at 

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend, please cherish your precious families and please stay healthy and well.


Friday, July 24, 2020

The Foundation

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day as a glorious new day begins to dawn in my Sweet Home Alabama! This day is going to be a great one! There is so much hope, opportunity and promise! We have never seen this day before! It is a blank canvas! Let's paint a masterpiece today!

Every morning I read my Bible, a devotional and a book. Based on what I read, I pick a word of the day, find some quotes about that word as a way for me to study and learn and then I share some of those quotes on Facebook and Twitter. Earlier this week my word was "Foundation." I found one quote in particular that jumped out at me and it inspired this weeks "Happy Friday."

"Nothing can last when the foundation is weak, neither a home nor a relationship." - Mohith Agadi

Powerful, isn't it? And so true! And, I believe, we could simply end the entire quote and sum up everything with "Nothing can last when the foundation is weak."

I also want to share a brief excerpt from The Seven Laws of Love: Essential Principles For Building Stronger Relationships by Dave Willis.

"Matthew 7:24-27 contains one of Jesus' most famous teachings. He tells the story of a wise builder and a foolish builder. The wise builder took the time to build his house on a foundation of solid rock, while the foolish builder took the fast and easy route and built his house on sand.
From the outside, both houses looked the same, but the difference was revealed when the storm came. The strong winds and rain beat against both houses, and the house without a solid foundation collapsed. The house built on the rock stood strong."

The question I have for all of us this morning is "how is your foundation?" The foundation of your life, your marriage, your relationship with your kids, of your career? Please Friends, take the time to inspect the foundation, see if there are any cracks, make a plan to repair it if needed and then actually act on what you decide.

There are a few, really key takeaways from the excerpt I shared from Dave's book.
1. Took the time. To build a strong foundation is going to take some time, it is going to take an investment of your most valuable asset. Are you and I willing to take the time to build that strong foundation? Are we willing to make the time?!

2. Looked the same. This one is key...we are all really concerned about appearance and not necessarily so concerned about substance. As long as it "looks good" seems, too often, to be the motto of the day. Far to often we see lives and relationships that look good from the outside that suddenly, seemingly inexplicably, collapse in grand fashion. Let us not be so concerned with appearance but rather let's let us focus more on true substance.

3. When the storm came. Ah, the storm. We all have storms in our life, be it storms of life or storms of nature. It is not a matter of "if", it is simply a matter of "when." We all have them and, based on the foundations of our lives, we either thrive through the storm or we collapse. And I have to share something with parents that my Mom once told me: "Your childs problems are as big to him/her as your problems are to you." Please remember that. There is another saying, "You can tell the maturity of a person by what they consider to be a problem." We are not here to compare problems or to decide what should or shouldn't be considered a storm. If it is a storm in that person's life it is a storm whether or not you and I would consider it to be one in ours.

Please Friends, let's assess our foundations. Let's make sure we have built every single foundation in our lives on rock and, if we have found we have not, let's take the time to repair them. The quality, depth and breadth of our lives and callings depend on it.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend, please cherish your precious families and please stay safe!


Friday, July 17, 2020

Class Is In Session

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day as a glorious new day begins to dawn in my Sweet Home Alabama! This is going to be a great can just feel the hope and opportunity! :)

I want to start off this morning by sharing a few quotes.

"The best way to teach is how you live your life." - Gina Greenlee

"Example is not the main thing in influencing others. It is the only thing." - Albert Schweitzer

"Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it's inspiring." - Lolly Daskal

Your life, and my life, IS teaching others. The moment we encounter another human being - in person or virtually, class is in session. Our demeanor, our words, our actions, they all teach. It doesn't matter if you or I like it, want it or desire's a fact. We make a statement in how we live our lives about what or who we have faith in, whether we are filled with faith that everything will work out or whether we are filled with fear that everything we crumble, whether we are positive or negative, whether we encourage or discourage others...and the list goes on and on. EVERYTHING we do makes a statement, EVERYTHING we do teaches.

In his book, Tender Warrior, Pastor Stu Weber talks about the "wake up calls" in life. Those moments when we suddenly become aware of something, we wake up and, from that moment forward, we live our lives in a different way. Often times these "wake up calls" come after a near-death experience. While I certainly hope that you are not fearful of losing your life as you are reading this message, I do hope that this message serves as a wake up call for all of us. :)

So many thoughts running through the mind right now, let's see if we can get some things down that will encourage, empower and equip us all...

  • I am not interested in conversation about whether or not our lives teach or influence other lives. Research has shown that the most introverted person will influence more than 10,000 people in their lives and that the average person will influence more than 80,000 people during their lives. It is time for us to be accountable, to rise up and realize that our words and actions aren't harmless, they do affect and impact others...they do teach.
  • Knowing that the moment we encounter another human being we start teaching, we would be wise to consider what we do before we encounter others to prepare ourselves for the day. Are we awake? Is our heart and mind in the right place? Have we even thought about our faith? We all have faith - it is simply a matter of what or whom we are putting our faith in. Have we taken the time to really think about what we want to do that day? Are we being intentional? So many of us wake up groggy, grumble at the first person we see and that interaction then dictates the entire day. Your life, and the lives of all those you are honored to have in yours, are far to valuable for us to go through life that way. We need to wake up and be intentional!
  • Please look at the quality of your life and all those who are closest to you. I am not talking about money, status, job, etc. I am talking about joy and peace. These things come from within and are not based on our situation or circumstances. If everyone is having a really bad time, depressed, discouraged, etc., we would be wise to look inward at our hearts and see what we are teaching. Let's not be thermometers and simply measure the temperature in the room, let's be the thermostat and set the temperature in the room!
  • What are the things you are pouring into your heart, mind and spirit? As Pastor Ken Whitten said, "What's in the well always comes up in the bucket." We cannot pour junk in and expect greatness to come out. I am not interested in political conversations, in talking about the media, etc. If we are not pouring in things that help us learn and grow, things that encourage, empower and equip, if we are not seeking solutions, and if we do not genuinely value and appreciate every person - regardless of, well, anything - we are not going to teach a positive, encouraging message that encourages, empowers and equips others to live their lives to their full potential. You may, or may not, want to however if it is not within you, it will be impossible to come from you. We need to wake up and very thoughtfully consider who and what we are allowing will eventually come back out.
  • While it would be great if we only taught when we wanted to, when we felt great, when everything is going our way, etc., this is simply not the way life works. In fact, the greatest lessons we teach often come during our greatest moments of struggle. It is in those moments that who we really are is revealed. We work sooooo hard to put on the proper look, to say the right things, you know, put on our masks. However when there is an adversity/challenge, suddenly none of that matters. Who we really are is revealed in the moments of trial and tribulation. While we all want to be great when our greatness is required, we only have what we have developed in the moments before the storm. Sooner or later others are going to know who we really are, what we really believe, how we truly view life, etc. 
Alright, Master Teachers, I want to share a few more quotes for us to ponder before we start teaching today...

"If you would convince a man that he does wrong, do right. But do not care to convince him. Men will believe what they see. Let them see." - Henry David Thoreau

"To bring up a child in the way he should go, travel that way yourself once in a while." - Josh Billings

"Worry not that your child listens to you; worry most that they watch you." - Ronald Heifetz

"I can tell you who I am, but I'd rather have you watch who I am." - Craig D. Lounsbrough

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend, please cherish your precious families and please stay healthy and well.


Sunday, July 12, 2020

A Grateful Heart

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope and trust this post find you all having a great day on this sleepy, rainy Sunday afternoon in my Sweet Home Alabama

Wow! This is the 2nd time in a month I find myself writing Happy Friday on a Sunday! This week the Haslam's were on vacation in Gulf Shores, AL and we drove the 6 1/2 hours home yesterday. I then did pretty much nothing until this morning and now, here I am! :)

Early last week during my quiet time, I started thinking and praying about what this Happy Friday would be. As I did this, the word "Gratitude" came to my mind over and over again. And as it did I started looking for, and giving thanks for, things that were happening in and around me for which I am thankful. During the week, I racked up quite a list...
- I am grateful for early mornings on the beach, watching the sunrise.
- I am grateful for quiet, peaceful moments early in the morning on the beach, watching
   ghost crabs scurry about and dig out their holes.
- I am grateful for wiffleball games on the beach with my boys.
- I am grateful for banana boat rides with my boys...and not falling off! :)
- I am grateful for wave runner rides with Landry - flying across waves, yelling and
   screaming, saltwater blasting our eyes...and not falling off!!! :)
- I am grateful for the countless times we threw the football and skip ball...and that my boys
   still want to do these things with me!
- I am grateful for the nights playing Yahtzee back at our cell phones allowed at
   the table!
- I am grateful for the night at a restaurant where we sat outside...and simply stayed visiting
   for 2 hours after the dinner ended.
- I am grateful for those sprinkle donuts...those were amazing!
- I am grateful for a son who loves to cook on the grill and selflessly served his family all
- I am so very grateful for some real quality time with one of my boys who I don't often get
   much time with!
- I am grateful for an amazing Bride who selflessly serves everyone, all the time...and that
   I convinced her that this was her vacation too, that she didn't have to do EVERYTHING,
   and she believed me!!! :)
- I am grateful for the hours of conversation as we drove to and from Gulf Shores.
- I am grateful for the time golfing with my boys and brother-in-law...and everyone stayed
   off their cell phones!
- I am grateful that several dolphins came and played right near the shore on our last day.
- I am grateful for the wrestling matches with my boys out in the water...they are getting 
   so big and strong! 
- I am grateful for another fireworks show watched from the beach!
- I am grateful Uncle Phil was able to join us on another vacation!
- I am grateful for the genuine quality time I had praying and visiting with the Lord.
- I am grateful for the time helping Landry digging a massive hole in the sand.
- I am grateful for the time we all spent under the umbrella's just visiting.
- I am grateful for boys that notice when someone needs help or is struggling with something
   on the beach and they help.
- I am grateful for those mahi-mahi tacos...A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!
- I am grateful for a work family that honored my family and I by allowing us to enjoy our 
   vacation without interruption.

And these are just the things that immediately come to mind! You see, I have so much to be grateful for...and so do you! We simply have to choose to look for them and, when we do, all kinds of things come flying at us. If only we will look, if only we will choose to have a grateful heart.

Jon Gordon is, in my opinion, a great writer and speaker. He is very passionate about having a heart of gratitude and mentions it often. I found a newsletter he had written on November 20, 2017, titled BECOME A GRATITUDE MAGNET. I want to share a few excerpts from the newsletter with you to hopefully empower and equip all of us to have a grateful heart.

I believe that...

Abundance will flow into our life when gratitude flows out of our heart.

When we live this way we become a gratitude magnet and experience more joy, love, peace, and happiness.

Once I started being thankful for the simple gifts in my life and became excited about the road ahead I experienced a complete different journey.

You can too.

Here are a few ways to start...

1. Create A Gratitude Journal
...write down 5 things you are grateful for. Every day do this and reflect on what you wrote down and why you are grateful for these things.

2. Take A Thank You Walk
You simply take a walk...and while walking you think about all the things, big and small, that you are grateful for. The research shows you can't be stressed and thankful at the same time so when you combine gratitude with physical exercise, you give yourself a double boost of positive energy.

3. Appreciate Others
Take a moment to let someone know that you appreciate them...whatever it is, just be intentional to let them know how much they matter. 

4. Give The Gift of Kindness
As you go throughout your day look for opportunities to serve and help others. We often think helping others is about the big things but it's really about doing the little things with a kind, compassionate and grateful heart.

5. Say Thank You And Goodnight
At bedtime reflect on your day, identify and share all that you are thankful for.

Before ending this Happy Friday, I also want to share a few quotes with you...

"Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart." - Zig Ziglar

"A joyful spirit is evidence of a grateful heart." - Maya Angelou

"The grateful heart will always find opportunities to show its gratitude." - Aesop

"Allow yourself to experience fully every step of the journey, both the joy and the pain. You're alive. Greet the moment at hand with a grateful heart." - Eleanor Brown

"Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life."- Melody Beattie

"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." - Epictetus

"When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears." - Tony Robbins

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great Sunday afternoon, a wonderful week and please stay healthy & well!


Friday, July 3, 2020

What More Can I Do?

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope and trust this post finds you having a great day as a glorious new day begins in my Sweet Home Alabama!

I am reading, for the second time, On Fire: The 7 Choices to Ignite a Radically Inspired Life by John O'Leary. I could not offer a higher recommendation for this book!

Earlier this week I read something that struck me as incredibly profound. This is what I want to talk about - and challenge us with - this week.

What more can I do?

How did you read that sentence? Read it again and put emphasis on the word "more." What more can I do? Do you hear it...the almost whining voice of resignation? Throwing up your arms, "what more can I do?" Now try this; instead of emphasizing "more," emphasize "I." What more can I do? Can you feel it...the inspiring, empowering feeling that overcomes you as you shift the emphasis?

- In your relationships, is it "what more can I do?" or is it "what more can I do?"
- In your career, is it "what more can I do?" or is it "what more can I do?"
- How about the challenges in society, is it "what more can I do?" or is it "what more can I do?"

I am fully committed to living a "what more can I do?" life! I refuse to live a defeated, hopeless, helpless "what more can I do?" life. In relational, career, societal challenges - and any other challenges that may come my way! - I am going to search my heart, my mind and my spirit to find what I can do to make it better. I cannot make decisions for others, I cannot make others do anything...I only control me, and the same is true for you.

No, Friends, the circumstance, situation or relationship may not change however how we choose to look at and it approach it certainly can. And while we cannot make everything turn out exactly the way we want it to, we can have peace knowing that we have given everything we had to make it the very best we could make it. That is the gift of living a "what more can I do?" life.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful 4th of July, and please stay healthy and well.
