Friday, March 7, 2025

Know & See

Happy Friday, Friends!


I hope and trust this post finds you having a great day as a glorious new day begins to dawn in my Sweet Home Alabama!


What do you see? Or, perhaps I should say, “What do you know?” This week I was really made aware that what we know dramatically impacts what we see.


My Beautiful Bride and I were on a date last Friday night, and we had a wonderful conversation over dinner. I explained that once we had children, I suddenly saw the mom with the young kids at the grocery store, struggling to open the door, maneuver through the store, etc. Because we now had kids, I knew the struggle, and suddenly, I could see others in their struggle. Because I had learned, now I saw and had great compassion for and a desire to help others.


Kath immediately told about how walking her dad to Heaven had made her aware of the challenges and struggles of the elderly and, more specifically, their need for advocates. Because she has lived it, she now sees it and can’t help but be moved to love, care for, and serve the elderly.


I have thought about that conversation and have become more aware of those around me so many times this week. I believe we would be wise to realize how much we really don’t know, Friends. People face so many problems, challenges, issues, etc., that I have absolutely no idea what it is like. I know what it is like to be exactly one person in this world – me! That view and perspective are extremely limited! And yet, have you ever noticed how so many of us feel compelled to tell others what they should do, be, or say?


I pray, Friends, that we will have eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts to care about the lives, journeys, and struggles of others. We would be wise to ask questions with a pure heart to understand rather than speak authoritatively to something we know nothing about; to seek to understand before trying to be understood; to be aware – such a great word! – to awake to others, their lives, their challenges, their struggles; and to expand our view, care, and concern beyond simply ourselves.


All of us have strengths and weaknesses, blessings and challenges. Let’s allow our minds, hearts, and spirits to be enlightened, and let’s do what we can to encourage, empower, and equip others on their journey. We will be blessed in blessing others, and I believe we will find our lives more purposeful, meaningful, and fulfilling.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at


Have a great day, a wonderful weekend, please cherish your precious family, and please stay well!
