I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day! Additionally, I sincerely hope that you all have been enjoying a very safe, happy and blessed Christmas season.
I am not really sure what, if anything, you will glean from this Happy Friday. I have tried to argue with God about it - you see, the Happy Friday's I write each week are truly just the overflow of my heart, what I feel my spirit is leading me to write about - however like every other time my spirit convicts me to do something, as much as I want to argue or do something else, the conviction is so strong I have to follow it...I have to follow the One leading my spirit.
What is on my heart this week is that I truly love being a Dad. I understand the awesome responsibility I have, the accountability I have and the fact that the consequences of my action, or inaction, as a Dad will reverberate for generations and into eternity. When I first came to realize this it scared the heck out of me, I instantly saw my inadequacy. I, in my own knowledge, wisdom, strength & courage, am painfully inadequate. I have found however that I am completely adequate in God's adequacy when I choose to make Him the Lord of my life and I allow Him to lead my life and my family through me. This point is made beautifully in the song "Lead Me" by Sanctus Real.
What I have really been thinking about, and noticing, however is how much these three blessings - the one's I am to lead, guide & protect - are teaching me. I am telling you, they challenge me...and I mean that in the most humble, God honoring way.
- Is it o.k. that a 45-year old aspires to have the obedience of a 6-year old? That I truly stand amazed at how he will do something I ask him to do even though everything in his precious little body wants to do something completely different. Crocodile tears filling his eyes, he faithfully does what I ask him to do because I asked him to do it. My spirit convicts me. I catch this visual of God telling me what to do and me - everything in my body wanting to do something completely different - doing what I want to do.
- Is it o.k. that a 45-year old aspires to have the kind, gentle spirit of a 13-year old? If someone is hurting, needing help, etc. he never misses it. How? How does he see these things? Why don't I see them all the time? He will point them out to me and then ask me if we can help them. AND, he never forgets. When he was about 6-years old he had talked to one of my colleagues about a problem one of her family members was having. About 2 months passed and he saw my colleague again. He asked her about her family member. He was 6-years old!!! I catch a glimpse of how we are supposed to think of others above ourselves and again, my spirit convicts me.
- Is it o.k. that a 45-year old aspires to have the calm spirit of a 16-year old? I have always been one whose highs are really high and whose lows are really low. God blessed me with a son whose is calm & steady in his spirit, regardless of the situation. Again my spirit convicts me, reminding me to not be changed by my circumstances but to remain strong, steady & confident in the One in whom I have chosen to place my life, my hopes, my dreams and my responsibilities.
I also feel compelled to share a couple of scriptures with you:
Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one's youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court. - Psalm 127: 3 - 5 (NIV)
But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. - Luke 18:16 (NIV)
Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your families. I will always be willing to help you any way I can.
Have a great day, a wonderful weekend, a safe, happy & prosperous New Year and please cherish your precious families.