I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day and that you had a wonderful week. I am so sorry that I did not get this done yesterday. I have had a hectic work schedule the last couple of days and I did not get a chance to sit down and type this up yesterday.
I am sitting at a Business Center in a Marriott in Portland as I type this Happy Friday. I had to drive to Seattle yesterday for meetings...the beauty as I drove along I-5 was simply spectacular. The trees, the green, the lakes, the rivers...truly incredible. I can't wait to bring my Beautiful Bride and boys here!
Before I give you the last 4 attributes of a man from "The Resolution for Men" by Stephen & Alex Kendrick with Randy Alcorn, I wanted to share a quick story and I thought with you and let them speak to your heart however they will.
- On Wednesday I went to lunch with a legendary coach and a couple of other people. During the lunch one of the people asked Coach - a man who has coached at the highest levels, who has been inducted into his sports Hall of Fame - of all the games he coached, which one was most memorable to him. Coach thought for a moment. He then described a game in which his son who played for him played very well. His eyes were kind of misty as he described how his son had performed and told different details about the game. Sensing his love for his son, the joy he felt in his heart as he recalled his sons successes, I asked Coach if it was about the specific game or about how his son performed. Without hesitation he stated it was about his son and how he performed. Go figure...all the accolades, all the successes and the most important game in this legendary coaches life was a game that his son performed well in...it was only important because his son played well! There is a message in that for all of us!
- As I was driving back from Seattle yesterday I had a lot of time to listen to the radio...there was a wreck and a trip that took 2 1/2 hours on the way took 4 1/2 on the way back!! Did I mention yet how beautiful it is driving between Portland & Seattle?!?! :) I came across a station that was playing a sermon - I am sorry, I did not catch the preachers name - about contentment. The Preacher made the following statement: "You need to be content with what you have however never be content with who you are." Wow! Think about it Friends, please think about it.
4. A Man Functions Independently
- "Even if a man never marries, God created him to be able to leave home and stand on his own two feet. He should be capable enough to work, function, and live without dependence on anyone else financially, spiritually or physically."
- "The older and more mature a young man gets, the more he will have to pull away from his mother, cut the umbilical cord, and make decisions for himself (Luke 2:48-50; John 2:1-8; Matthew 12:46-50)"
- "You will never become a responsible man if you allow your parents to control or dominate you during adulthood."
- "Anticipate and initiate."
- "Responsible men are like Christ, who did not let his mother, disciples, or others determine His thoughts, attitudes, or actions."
- "That's why He was able to be more like a thermostat, affecting His circumstances, rather than like a thermometer, merely reacting to His surroundings."
- "Having the responsibility necessary to start and faithfully lead a family is a clear attribute of manhood."
- "Manhood does not mean you should marry, buy you should be able to."
- "If you are raising a son, you should be teaching him - by your words and actions - the roles and responsibilities of a husband and father. Show him how to love and provide for a woman, as well as how to train and lead his children."
- "All of life's privileges, blessings, and freedoms that come with responsibility also come with a counterweight called accountability."
- "Having no accountability always leads to irresponsibility."
- "Jesus explained that we will each stand before God one day and be held accountable for how we lived. Our action not only have immediate consequences but eternal ones as well."
- "For we will all stand before the judgement seat of God" (Romans 14:10) where He will "judge men's secrets" (Romans 2:16) and "bring to light the things hidden in the darkness," disclosing the motives of our hearts (I Corinthians 4:5), judging the words of our mouths (Matthew12:36), and testing the deeds we have done (Romans 2:5-8)"
- "Everything in a man's thinking changes when he realizes that he is only one heartbeat away from having to stand before God and give an account for his life."
- "If you already have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and are confident that you will spend eternity with Him, remember that you are still accountable as a man for making the most of the rest of your life. We still must take full responsibility for ourselves, our wives and our children. We must seek and discover God's will. We are responsible for obeying the commands of Christ."
- "We should surround ourselves with godly men who will help us prepare to be found faithful. Men who have permission to ask us the tough questions, keep tabs on our spiritual condition, and speak the truth into our lives, even when we don't want to hear it."
- "God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether good or evil."
- Accountability dynamically helps make us into men - humble, wise, responsible, faithful men."
- "For although men and women are clearly equal before God (Galatians 3:28) - neither of them more valuable to Him than the other - the Scriptures do indicate a difference in the unique way a man bears God's image and brings Him glory that is a part of his manhood. A man "is the image and glory of God; but the woman is the glory of man" (I Corinthians 11:7)"
- According to Genesis 2:23, the word "woman" means "taken out of man." Because of the way Eve was formed from a part of Adam to become a complementary helpmate for him, God has given wives an amazing ability to recognize, reveal, and reflect the character of their husbands. As a wife reflects God's glory and image herself, she does so as one under her husbands authority. He in turn is not to bring glory to himself - as if he mattered more or had a greater intrinsic worth than she does - but to use all his power, authority, and ability to revel and reflect all glory back to God through his life."
- "In all our choices, words, and behaviors, we need to represent Him well."
Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and cherish those precious families and friends.