Friday, July 20, 2012

A Man - Part 1

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day! I am sorry that this is getting to you so late however I had important matters to tend to - a hike through the mountains with my 7 &12-year olds, the traditional "Guys Lunch" of barbecue after the hike, widdling of sticks and the latest and greatest, grasshopper hunting with pellet guns! I am so exhausted, it is amazing I have the strength to type this now!!! (Don't you feel sorry for me?!?!)

Before diving into a couple of things that I want to share with you, I have to share something that is on my heart. Vacation...So often I talk to folks at work who proudly proclaim, "you can reach me any time, even when I am on vacation I will answer my cell phone/check my email/etc." Or, there are those who proudly proclaim, "I haven't taken a vacation in (fill in the blank) years" or "I only took (fill in the blank) days of vacation in the last (fill in the blank) years." These things are said, they are worn, almost as a badge of honor. I used to be one of those "false honor badge" wearers. If I worked hard enough, if I did a little bit more, if I just got this or that project done, if, if, if!!! At what cost do we proudly wear these "badges of honor?" Is it, whatever "it" is if we even know, worth it? When does it end? Will it ever end? Knowing that there are trade-offs and consequences to every decision, is it worth it? Who is paying the cost...someone or something is? Is it your spouse/companion? Your kids? Maybe it's your health. I don't know; I simply know there is a price to be paid.

Friends, if you are one of these "false honor badge" wearers as I was, I would like to encourage you - as strongly as I possibly can - to make time - you have to make it, it won't just show up! - to take a break, to totally disconnect. YOU need it. Oh, I know a whole lot of folks will argue this point, I used to be one of them. Bottom line is Friend, with all due love and respect, unless you take the time to recharge your spiritual, mental & physical batteries you are not near as good to anyone as you can be, as those who are counting on you need you to be, and, as time goes on, it is only going to get worse. You need the break for you, your family needs YOU and you will be much better to your employer and to everyone to whom your accountable if you will make the time to disconnect, relax and spend quality time with your family. Consider yourself warned by a guy who for way too long traveled down that path Friend. The choice, and ALL the consequences from that choice, are yours.

So last week I gave you a little snip-it from "The Resolution for Men" by Stephen & Alex Kendrick with Randy Alcorn. I cannot put into words how much I love this book and how desperately I pray that every man out there will read it and apply what they learn to their lives. It is so rich, my Spirit is just doing jumping jacks and cart-wheels as I read each sentence. Today I want to share several more excerpts directly from the book and let them speak to your heart, to your Spirit as they will. Because of the length of the attributes - and the fact that they can be overwhelming! - I am going to break this up into two parts. Today I will give you the first 3 attributes. Next Friday I will give you the remaining 4.

The Words of a Father to a Son (Am I speaking these? Am I modeling these to my sons? Heart be still!!!)
"Keep your promises no matter how hard, son. And be faithful with the little things, especially when no one is watching."
"Treat everyone you meet with kindness, respect and compassion."
"Know what you believe, why you believe it, and be ready to defend it."
"Do your work with all your heart and with excellence as unto the Lord, not men."
"Be willing to stand alone for what's right regardless of what your friends do or say."

Seven Attributes Indicated in Scripture That Define What True Manhood is and Should Be
1. A Man Accepts His Masculinity
  • "Masculinity is generally understood as having the characteristics of maleness. But the key ingredient is actually strength."
  • "Like Jesus, every man also needs to be developing moral, mental, social and spiritual strength. That's because all of our key roles in life will require greater strength in order to carry them out."
  • "If men do not develop a sense of their own fortitude, they will never attempt hard things, lead their families, fight for their country or confront evil."
  • "If you are going to obey Him and be faithful to Him until the end, you must act like a man, embrace your masculinity, and bear His command to "Be Strong!" (Joshua 1: 9)"
  • "Then as a man, when times get rough, you must not quit. When everything seems against you, you cannot run away. When you fall or fail - as all of us do - you must own your mistakes, get back on your feet, and not shirk from your responsibilities."
2. A Man Speaks and Acts with Maturity
  • "A vital transition must take place as a boy becomes a man. He must intentionally choose to let go of childishness and foolishness."
  • "Clinging to childhood while growing into manhood is like trying to run in opposite directions at the same time."
  • "Too many men want the freedoms, rewards and privileges of manhood but only the responsibilities of boyhood."
  • "If we want to be men, we must resolve that "we will no longer be immature like children. We won't be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching...Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ" (Ephesians 4:14-15 NLT)"
3. A Man Embraces Responsibility
  • "Men are happiest and at their best when they are responsible - and at their worst when they are not."
  • "The main concept of responsibility is that you are being entrusted and empowered by a higher authority to care for something, or someone. And along with this empowerment comes the blessing of doing it well or the consequences of doing it poorly."
  • "We each must get busy cultivating and protecting everything within our jurisdiction. Sin makes men tend to resist responsibility, but embracing it is part of our manhood."
  • "When a young man is passive and irresponsible, he greatly limits his freedoms, opportunities, and successes. Whereas responsibility builds up a man and everything around him, the lack of it only weakens and destroys. Irresponsible men are dangerous to whatever they touch."
  • "Responsibility calls us to action and tests us. It reveals our character, our caliber, and our commitment. It is both a gift and an honor. And the more maturity a man has, the more responsibility God can trust him with."
  • "Embrace responsibility! Love it. Live it. Teach it to your children."
A 7-year old grasshopper hunter has come in no less than five times while I have been typing this asking me if I am done yet...time to go hunt some grasshoppers, ride the 4-wheeler, pitch some horse shoes...

Please let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family.

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and cherish your precious families and friends.


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