Happy Friday Friends!
I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day and that you have had a great week!
“I believe in you.” Four short, simple and yet incredibly powerful, potentially life altering, words. Think about it; when is the last time that you pure heartedly spoke these words into the life of another? More importantly, when is the last time that you spoke these words into your own life – not in a spirit of conceit or arrogance but rather in acknowledgement that your life has value, meaning & purpose. The incredible power of four short, simple words.
Earlier this week I was talking with a dear friend about these four short, simple words. I was telling her a story about my 16-year olds football game a couple of weeks ago. His team is small in terms of total number, full of great young men rapidly gaining valuable experience as many of them fight through the rigors of their first season of Varsity football. Predictably there are times when you can see doubt cross their minds in the way their bodies move. Can I beat this guy? Can I make this play? Will I ever break through? Have you ever been there Friend, when doubt crosses your mind? Have you ever wondered if you were good enough? Have you ever wondered if you could finish the job? Did you ever wonder when the climb would end and, if only for a brief moment to catch your breath, you could ride along the plateau or stand on the mountain top? I am pretty sure, if we are perfectly honest and don’t feel the need to put on a mask, we can relate.
As my sons team came out to start the 2nd half I had this strong…I don’t know what to call it, urge, desire, to stand up and shout, “I believe that we will win.” I quickly looked at my Beautiful Bride and told her that I was going to embarrass her. I then told a couple of other parents right behind me what I was going to do and respectfully asked them to yell the same thing back when I yelled it. Now, in full disclosure, this is a chant that you will hear sometimes at high school football, led by the students. I have never heard the parents lead it, let alone have one parent stand up, unsure of what everyone else would do and shout it, simply wanting these young men to know that I believed in them even if I had to humiliate myself to prove it. So when the team got to the sideline I stood up and yelled, “I believe that we will win!” A few parents yelled back the same. We did this over and over again throughout the 2nd half – whether we scored a touchdown or gave up a touchdown. While the words we were yelling were, “I believe that we will win,” what we were really saying is, “we believe in you.” The moment we yelled it for the first time several players down on the field looked up into the stands, a look of excitement, relief, thankfulness and yes, belief all crossing their faces at the same time. Ultimately we lost the game, the other team kicked a field goal with 10 seconds left, however the players left the field that night believing in themselves and knowing that their parents believed in them. Please don’t rush over the last part…knowing that their parents believed in them. I wonder, as many parents talk about the difficulties of the teenage years, how four short, simple words might renew and restore a relationship and put a life on a completely different trajectory.
I think these words, “I believe in you”, are four short, simple words. I am amazed however at the reactions to them and how infrequently, sadly infrequently, they are spoken. The only other time I have ever done anything like I did on that Friday night was when my 12-year old was 8-years old, playing All-Star baseball with kids two years older than him. He was struggling to get a hit. We were at a critical point, in a critical game in the All-Star tournament. He came up to bat, there was a lot of yelling and commotion. He got 2 strikes on him. Suddenly that urge, that desire…I wanted my son to know that no matter the moment, no matter the outcome that I believe in him and nothing is going to change that fact. So, I yelled, “I believe in you son.” You would have thought I yelled an obscenity, a threat or something. The whole place went completely quite. People turned and looked at me, their mouths agape. My little 8-year old slugger looked at me also, a very slight smile crossing his face – remember, he was now a big bad ballplayer. I don’t really know the outcome of that at bat; I just asked the now 12-year old slugger and my Beautiful Bride and I got two different responses. He said he got a hit, she said he didn’t. Here’s the thing; while neither of them know the outcome they both recalled clearly the moment I was talking about. Is it possible that the outcome really wasn’t that important? Is it possible that what really mattered was a boy heard four simple, life giving words spoken into the depths of his tender little heart at what was a very big moment in his life at that point from his Dad? I think the answer is pretty clear.
As my friend and I talked about those four short, simple words we – o.k., me more than her – got all fired up about the power of those words. We talked about what it would be like when you are having a tough day at work to have your boss poke his or her head in the door and say, “I believe in you.” How what our kids need to hear, only surpassed by “I love you unconditionally” – heavy, heavy emphasis on unconditionally – is “I believe in you.” My heart can’t help but wonder what would happen if we pure heartedly spoke these words into the life of our spouses. I know that when my Beautiful Bride has said to me, “I believe in you” I feel like there is truly nothing that I could not accomplish. The power, the life-altering power, or four short, simple words.
Please take a few moments Friends and think about the people you are blessed to have in your life. Is there someone that needs to hear these words from you? Please be authentic and at the same time keep it real. If your Spirit is convicting you, and it will, please follow it’s leading. Please don’t say it just to say it as this will do greater harm for this would be outward deception. AND, from this point forward, I would like to challenge us all to be more mindful of the power of these words. To speak them more freely – to ourselves and others – on a regular basis. These words do give life Friends…four short, simple words. “I believe in you.”
Please let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family.
Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families and friends.