Saturday, January 18, 2014

Please Forgive the Mess

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day and that your weekend is off to a great start!

Earlier this week I was listening to the radio. The announcer was talking about a sign he had read when he entered a store. The sign said, "Please Forgive the Mess While We Remodel." He then equated the sign to the sign that we could each carry in our lives - please forgive the mess while we continue to grow, change and improve - while our lives are being remodeled.

For me it was a perfect picture. I do not believe I am today who I have ultimately been created to become however I am a heck of a lot different than I was 10, 5 or even 1 year ago. I have been in a constant state of construction. I think this is a good thing.

Two thoughts come to mind:
1. That we would all embrace who we are today and strive to become all that we were created to become. Life is not static - nothing stays exactly the same. In all aspects of our life - spiritual, mental, physical, maturity, professional...and all the other things I can't think of right now! - we are changing. We are either moving towards the fulfillment of the potential that was placed within us or we are decaying. The determining factor(s) between the two is what things we choose to do each day in each of those areas. In the area of physical for example, I can choose to get rest, eat properly & exercise or I can choose to neglect rest, eat whatever I want & not exercise - either way, I am moving one direction or the other on my potential continuum. What do most of us try to do? Enough. Enough to get by without having to sacrifice too greatly however trying to keep away the negative consequences to a level we feel is tolerable - a great topic for another Happy Friday.

The point I really want to make here is you are under construction, we all are. Please be kind to yourself - love and respect yourself. You are not perfect and you don't have to be. I pray that you will choose to believe that your life has great value, meaning & purpose and that you will choose to pursue the greatness - the fulfillment of the potential that is within you. Heck, I think I am going to put a sign up in my office that says, "Please Forgive the Mess, Under Construction." It will be a constant reminder to me and it will open the door to some truly amazing conversations I am sure.

2. The gentle reminder that what applies to you and to me applies to everyone else as well. We are all under construction - or are structures in serious danger of being condemned! To demonstrate love, mercy & grace to others whether they want or deserve it or not. Perhaps Friends some don't even realize their own brokenness, their own need for remodeling. It may play out in an act or word that hurts or angers you/me however in reality it is just another broken spirit screaming out for help. Maybe it will be your word of love, maybe it will be your act of grace that will finally cause them to allow their heart, mind, spirit to begin the remodeling process.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always be willing to help you any way I can.

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families.


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