I hope & trust this post finds you having a great day as a beautiful new day dawns! It is been one heck of a wet, soggy week here on the Gulf Coast. It is extremely warm & humid early this morning and we are supposed to be getting more rain over the next few days. Your thoughts & prayers are greatly needed & appreciated for those in the path of these storms.
Every day I read leadership thoughts, quotes, etc. I will write down and save many of these...to ponder them, to gain knowledge & wisdom from them through out the coming days and weeks. This morning I want to share with you several of the things I have saved over the past few weeks. I thought you might enjoy them and perhaps you too can gain knowledge & wisdom from them. In some cases I will add my thoughts/ideas...please don't let my thoughts get in the way of how something might speak to you.
My friend and colleague Frank Bucarra says that, "values are what we believe but that ethics are what we do." - Mark Sanborn
Kev's 2 Cents - Integrity is the alignment of these two.
21 Qualities of a Great Leader
Straightforward & Transparent
Honest & Trustworthy
Ethical & Principled
Decisive & Action-Oriented
Fair & Open-Minded
Knowledgeable & Experienced
Consistent & Dependable
Confident & Optimistic
Empathetic & Selfless
Hardworking - Unknown (Shared by Wright Thurston)
Kev's 2 Cents - I need to keep these things before me continually...to review, reflect, assess.
"The prime role of a leader is to offer an example of courage and sacrifice." - Regis Debray
Kev's 2 Cents - It is not about me...it is about those I am privileged to serve. What Will Your Influence Be...Kevin?
Focus on your dreams, not your fear.
Focus on your strengths, not your weaknesses.
Focus on your character, not your reputation.
Focus on your blessings, not your misfortunes. - Harvey Stone
Kev's 2 Cents - What are you going to focus on? Choices, choices! Our focus determines our thoughts, our thoughts our words, our words our actions, our actions our legacies. Our focus is CRITICALLY important...and it is a choice.
A Godly Husband
- knows you
- trusts you
- loves you
- respects you
- honors you
- supports you
- wants you
- appreciates you - Unknown (Shared by Wright Thurston)
Kev's 2 Cents - This is my greatest aspiration! I want to be that husband. I must allow God to lead my life every day and die to self if this will ever happen. I can't just make this choice/decision today...I must make it tomorrow and then the next day and then the next day...
"Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, its always your choice." - Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
Kev's 2 Cents - Doggone choices!!! :) Always is measurable!!! Dang it! Better choose wisely!
"Trust that even in the twists and turns of life, God's in control. That is what faith is all about." - Joel Osteen
Kev's 2 Cents - Lord please lead my life. Please fill me with the Holy Spirit. Please give me the strength, courage, knowledge & wisdom to have faith, to walk by faith.
"You don't have to tell people what they're doing wrong. They already know. Let your life be the sermon." - Joel Osteen
Kev's 2 Cents - Your life IS preaching a sermon...
"There are two pains in life. There is the pain of discipline and the pain of disappointment. If you can handle the pain of discipline, then you'll never have to deal with the pain of disappointment." - Nick Saban
Kev's 2 Cents - I love coaches...direct, to the point! Comes back to choices. Which pain do you want to deal with?
You don't have to tell your kids what you believe. They can see it by the decisions you make and the life that you live. - Unknown
Kev's 2 Cents - Oh boy! This both causes fear and inspires. Yes, our lives are preaching a sermon...always!
"Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow. Every job is a self portrait of the person who did it...Autograph your work with excellence." - Vince Lombardi
Kev's 2 Cents - How will you autograph your work? Your signature is on everything you do...everything!
"Leadership's not a title. It's a behavior. Live it." - Robin Sharma
Kev's 2 Cents - Any questions?! Wow! What sermon is your life preaching???
10 Ways To Be An All Pro Dad
1. Love Your Wife
2. Spend Time With Your Kids
3. Be a Role Model
4. Understand and Enjoy Your Children
5. Show Affection
6. Secure Your Family's Financial Future
7. Eat Together as a Family
8. Discipline with a Gentle Spirit
9. Pray and Worship Together
10. Realize You're a Father Forever - Unknown (Shared by Wright Thurston)
Kev's 2 Cents - My 2nd greatest aspiration! I want to be an All Pro Dad! I want to be everything that my Tender Warriors need me to be! I want to be all that God created me to be!
"We don't always see the impact we make because we leave it behind. Be mindful of your actions as they affect someone." - Marala Scott
Kev's 2 Cents - What Will Your Influence Be...?
"There's nothing more powerful than a humble person with a warrior spirit who is driven by a bigger purpose." - Coach Jeff Osterman
Kev's 2 Cents - My 3rd greatest aspiration! I want to be that Warrior...a true Tender Warrior! Lord, please lead me. Please make me the man, husband & father you created me to become!
"Faith doesn't exempt you from problems. It gives you the strength to get through them." - Helena Plumber
Kev's 2 Cents - We live in a fallen, broken world. We are all going to experience challenges, problems. Where will you find your strength, courage, knowledge & wisdom? You are going to put your faith in someone or something...Who? What?
I could do this all day! I sincerely hope something in all of this spoke to your heart...I am all fired up and ready to go now!
Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always be willing to help you any way I can.
Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families!