I hope & trust this post finds you having a great day as this beautiful new day/opportunity dawns!
How has your day started? Are you feeling good? Or bad? Are you excited for this day? Or are you dreading it? Are you filled with hope? Or fear? What have you said to yourself this morning? Are you speaking life & victory into your own heart? Or death & defeat? Have you determined that today you will help others? That you will lift them up? Or are you going to just leave it all to chance? Or worse, not even care about anyone but yourself?
The moment our alarms go off, or we wake up before it does, the thoughts start coming. The thoughts we have, often based on unreliable feelings, begin ordering the day we will in fact have. We all want to be great when "the moment" arrives however what are we doing to prepare for "the moment"? Are we determining each and every day the type of day it will be? Before anything - good or bad - has happened?
I cherish the early morning. It is my time to seek the Lord, to learn about leadership, to think about how I can serve my Beautiful Bride & Tender Warriors based on their needs, challenges, struggles, etc. that day, to get a workout in. I have noticed that when I don't do these things the days just don't seem to go quite as well. And I can also prioritize the things listed. I will be o.k. without the workout though I don't want to do that very often. I can miss a day here and there of reading the leadership stuff. Two things, I have found for me, are critical - no, make it three: 1) reading my Bible, 2) praying - even if it is a short, quick prayer and 3) writing Kath and the boys a note - even if it is super short - to let them know that I love them & I am thinking about them. It is the establishment I guess, each and every day, of my priorities.
I wish I could tell you that every day I bounce out of bed like Superman, mind sharp, heart soft & caring, ready to conquer the world fearlessly with the most positive, upbeat attitude anyone has ever had. That would be dishonest. I will say that 9 out of 10 days I am excited to get up...I love life. The rest of it however gets shaky. It is only through seeking God, His transforming of my heart daily and the choice to walk by faith, hope & love that the rest follows. It is then that I can look past the faults/failures in my Bride & sons and serve them as I have been called to serve them. It is then that I can search for the good in others, that I can seek to meet them where they are at and help them any way I can. It is then that I can determine - before the day ever starts - that this in fact is going to be a great day, regardless of the situations & circumstances.
Friends, your life is far too valuable to leave to feelings or chance. You are in control of your thoughts. Before this day, and every single day that follows, even starts determine in your mind who you will serve, what you will believe, how you will act, how you will serve, etc. Don't wait until the test comes...it will be too late. Prepare for the tests and then you don't have to fear the test. This doesn't mean that you will "ace" every test...life is a journey filled with peaks & valleys. However determining these things will enable you to go through every test with your faith, hope & love intact, without compromising your values & beliefs and these things will ultimately lead to a peace in your spirit that goes beyond all understanding.
To wrap this up I wanted to share a few quotes/thoughts with you.
"Nothing so conclusively proves a man's ability to lead others, as what he does from day to day to lead himself." - Thomas J. Watson
"I challenge you to make your life a masterpiece. I challenge you to join the ranks of those people who live what they teach, who walk their talk." - Anthony Robbins
"Never separate the life you live from the words you speak." - Paul Wellstone
"Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior.
Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits.
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny." - Mahatma Gandhi
"Speak with honesty.
Think with sincerity.
Act with integrity." - Unknown
12 Steps for Self Care
1. If it feels wrong, don't do it.
2. Say "exactly" what you mean.
3. Don't be a people pleaser.
4. Trust your instincts.
5. Never speak bad about yourself.
6. Never give up on your dreams.
7. Don't be afraid to say "No"
8. Don't be afraid to say "Yes"
9. Be KIND to yourself.
10. Let go of what you can't control.
11. Stay away from drama & negativity.
12. Love
- Unknown
"A man can only rise, conquer, and achieve by lifting up his thoughts." - James Allen
"Desire the praise of God more than the praise of people. You have an assignment, a purpose, a destiny." - Helena Plumber
"Expect challenges, criticism, rejection and failure but have an even greater expectation that you will overcome them." - Jon Gordon
Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always be willing to help you any way I can.
Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families.
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