I hope & trust this post finds you having a great day as a beautiful new day is about to dawn!
On Monday afternoon I drove from Texas to Louisiana for a week of meetings. Near the end of the first leg of my trip to Shreveport, somewhere on Highway 79 between Bethany, TX and Greenwood, LA, I was half listening when the person on the radio said something that really caught my attention. I apologize; I do not know what radio station I was listening to or who the person was however the message was very profound to me. Please know the example did not originate with me however I do want to share it with you this morning.
Do you lock the door to your house/apartment? The answer for the vast majority of us is yes. We would never think of going to bed at night or to leave during the day without locking the door. And, some of us even lock the doors when we are home and awake. Why do we do this? The simple answer is because we want to protect our families and our possessions. We don't want someone coming in that will hurt us or our families or who will steal the things we have. Pretty simple concept to understand and a pretty logical step for us to take.
So here is the challenge; are you & I locking the doors to our hearts, our spirits & our minds? To those of the precious families we cherish? While we are very committed to locking the physical door of the house, we don't always - some perhaps never - do such a good job of locking the doors and keep the bad things out of our hearts, our spirits & our minds. And if we are privileged to be the parent of one under our care, of the hearts, spirits & minds of those who have been entrusted to us.
There are attacks that come at us from everywhere - the TV, the computer, the radio, books, magazines and perhaps even the "friends" we allow into our homes. Please think about this for a moment Friends. Your family is all inside your home, the door is locked...everyone safe & secure, right? What is your son watching on TV? Who is your daughter talking to in a chat room or what is your wife watching on the computer? What is your husband reading? Are these things that are positive, life giving, used to build one up or are they negative, death producing, used to tear one down? And oh how we love to justify things! We tell ourselves we can watch, read, hear, etc. anything and we will be fine, because, well, we are different. We won't become like "those" people. Do we really think we can watch inappropriate sexual relationships, talk negatively about others, listen to things or people who glorify things not consistent with our beliefs and think it will have no impact in our lives? While they are not the murderer or robber knocking on our physical door telling us they are here to kill us or to steal from us, the things that are poured into our hearts, spirits & minds - ironically, while we sit inside our "secure" homes - are killing families and robbing us of joy & peace.
There are three quotes that come to mind that I would like to respectfully ask you to ponder.
"What is in the well always comes up in the bucket." - Ken Whitten
The "water" that you & I use to fill our wells (hearts. spirits & minds) is what is going to come up in the bucket (thoughts, words, actions). Just as it is impossible to pour a soda into a glass and expect to drink water from that glass, it is impossible to pour negativity & death producing things into our hearts, spirits & minds and expected positive, life producing thoughts, words & actions to follow.
"It is a slow fade/as black & white turns to grey." - a portion of the lyrics to Its A Slow Fade by Casting Crowns
Do we really think the guy who has lost his marriage, family, job, etc. sat down one day and said, "I am going to become addicted to porn?" Or that the girl sat down one day and said, "I am going to become addicted to drugs?" No, it was just one click on a picture that was a little questionable but hey, he can control it. And then it was a click on a picture that showed, did a little more. And then, in a relatively short period of time, he is way further down the road than he ever thought he would go. It is a slow fade. A door left unlocked, then opened a little more, then a little more...
"If you don't want to slip, don't go to slippery places." - Unknown
When I first heard this when I was in my early 20's it was such a profound thought to me. Please think about it; can you imagine saying to your family, "Hey, I think it will be alright if we sleep with doors of the house left open tonight?" It sounds ridiculous, right? You are like, "Kev, that is such a stupid example." Really? Isn't going to a website you shouldn't the equivalent of sleeping with the doors open, you know, for just one night?
So Friends, are we locking the doors of our hearts, spirits & minds? Just as we have to be intentional about locking the physical doors of our homes, we need to be equally - perhaps more - vigilant in locking the doors of the heart, spirit & mind.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for your or your families. I will always help you any way I can.
Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families.