Friday, December 28, 2018

Christmas 365

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope & trust this post finds you having a great day on this beautiful Friday evening from the Texas Gulf Coast. Additionally, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends.

You wanna know how awesome my last week has been? I woke up this morning and did not realize it was Friday!!! What?!?! I have been to a bowl game, a movie, to Dave & Busters, had a bonfire...just wonderfully blessed times with my family. I committed to being fully present and have done so. And I about had a heart attack this morning when I realized it was Friday!!! Got the lights down, played a football game with my boys - I am now affectionately known as the "Flying Walrus", a date with my Beautiful Bride and now here I am! :)

Having just passed Christmas and now going into the new year I just want to offer two, simple, quotes.

This first quote I shared on Twitter on Christmas Day.

"My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?" - Bob Hope

Why do we have to wait? I think we all know the answer... we don't. The bigger question perhaps is, "Will we actually do it?" Think about it; the calendar turns to December 1st and all the sudden we start thinking of ways to love on and bless others. What if we lived our lives that way every day?! Can you imagine?! I want to challenge you to join me in living this out every love on and bless others. It really is just an attitude of our hearts which reflects the condition of our hearts. I don't think when Jesus was born the idea was that we would live this out on one highly commercialized day of the year. I am pretty sure He did not die on a cross for that one day either. The wonder, joy and excitement of Christmas does not have to only exist one day or season of the can exist in our lives every day of the year if we choose to let it do so.

The second quote I came across a couple of days ago on Facebook.

"What will the new year bring us? 365 Opportunities." - Unknown

There it is. You and I have 365 opportunities before us in this new year. It is completely up to each one of us as to what we will do with them. I hope and pray we will choose to be intentional, to be positive, to choose faith over fear, to choose hope over despair, to pursue the greatness that is within each one of us and to never ever, ever quit! Regardless, I recognize that I must choose each and every day to seize the opportunity that is before me, to win the day. I just wanted to make sure you know you have this same wonderful choice to make! :)

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend, a Happy New Year, and please cherish your precious families.


Friday, December 21, 2018

It's About Relationships

Happy Friday Friends!!!

I hope & trust this post finds you all having a great day on this glorious Friday morning! :)

As we enter this magical season of Christmas, as we are scrambling to get "perfect" presents, as we are rushing off to different places, and working tirelessly to bake, decorate, etc., I want to remind us all of something we's all about relationships! It's not about about the presents, the places we go, the cookies or the decorations, it is about the people we are blessed to do this life with.

I want to look at this from a couple of different perspectives...

The first perspective is the perspective of religion. Perhaps the greatest, most impactful sermon series I ever heard was titled, "It is against my relationship to have a religion." Religion, the legalism of men, has caused a lot of hurt, pain, death, and it has turned a lot of people away from God and Jesus Christ. Let me speak this truth to you Friends; there isn't a set of rules that must be followed, there are not specific things you have to do, to one day go to Heaven. And there is nothing that you can do to make God love you more, or less. Jesus was very clear; accept Him as your Lord and personal Savior. Ask Him to be the Lord of your life and have a relationship with Him. It isn't about what you and I can or cannot do; it is what Jesus Christ did for you and I when He was crucified. It is love, mercy and grace...we simply have to accept it. And the only thing Jesus wants from you and I in return is a relationship with us. To seek Him continually, to talk to Him, to share your your thoughts, hopes, goals, dreams, worries and fears with Him and to let Him lead, guide and direct your life. It's not hocus pocus, it is not hard to understand. As with any relationship, we simply need to spend time with those we want to know and understand. You are enough, you have nothing to prove, you have nothing to earn, you don't have to speak special just need to be you and seek a relationship with Jesus Christ. I pray that we will all walk in the freedom of these truths.

The second perspective I want to discuss is the people we will, or could, spend this Christmas with. I wonder what our lives, and this world, would look like if we focused on our relationships with others and not so much on the presents, food, busyness, posts, etc. If we genuinely poured ourselves into others, without selfish motives, and simply focused on having a relationship with them. Enjoyed them for who they are and allowed them to see who we really are...the good, the bad, and the ugly - we all have some of each! :) What would this life be like if we all truly lived that way? If we truly valued every person for who they are, without trying to tell them who they should be, what they should do, etc. This is what matters most...people and the relationships we have with them. Chances are you are agreeing with me, perhaps even shaking your head yes as you read these words. The question is, will we live like we really know it?!

And someone is sitting there right now saying, "But you don't know my situation. You don't know how hard it is to be around them, let alone like them." You are right, I don't know YOUR situation. I can only testify to mine. I know physical & emotional abuse. I know rejection. I know having nothing ever being enough. I know the deep, soul searing pain of a boy that just wanted to be enough for his Dad to love him. And through years of prayer, Bible study and promptings of the Holy Spirit, I learned that God doesn't hold me accountable for how other people act or respond, He only asks me to do what I know in my heart is right. This led a young man to pick up the phone after more than 7 years of zero communication and ask his Dad to go to breakfast. This also led a young man to understand that forgiveness of the fathers sins, though not asked for, was one of the greatest gifts the son ever received. And finally, the son learned that he could love the father to the best of his ability, have great peace in his spirit about, regardless of how the father responded. I want to encourage you to really think about it Friend. It is not about the other person, it is about you and what God has called and created you to do. I found, for me, when I removed my expectations of my Dads responses from the equation, I was free to be and do what God called and created me to do. Perhaps this year you can receive the greatest gift of all this Christmas, true freedom.

And about that "perfect" present? It is your presence. This is the greatest gift you can give yourself and others. Put down the phone, don't worry about the next thing that has to happen. Be fully present in each and every moment. Enjoy the people you are with, the moments you are living. This is the perfect that will be cherished to the depths of your soul for the rest of your earthly life. Merry Christmas Sweet Friends!

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your families. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families.


Saturday, December 15, 2018

Show Up & Learn to Ride Your Bike

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope & trust this post finds you all having a great day on this beautiful Saturday afternoon on the Texas Gulf Coast! :) A little late with my Happy Friday this week...

I want to share just a couple of thoughts/ideas with you. Both have been at the forefront of my mind this week and I thought perhaps they would be useful for you too! :)

Show up, just show up. Do you feel like doing the things you need to do every day? Most of us don't. Show up. Do you feel like pouring into your spouse/partner/kids every day? Most of us don't. Show up. Do you feel like helping others all the time? Most of us don't. Show up. Do you always feel like reaching out to someone who is sick or who has just lost a loved one? Most of us don't. Show up. Life is not about how we feel, life is about showing up. Show up, be fully present, and be the best version of yourself that you can be in that moment. We spend way to much time paying attention to our feelings, justifying our failure to do the things we know we should be doing based on the way we feel at the moment, and far too little time showing up and doing the best we can in the moment. Let's be different. Let's show up. Let's honor every commitment, duty and responsibility. Let's be there when we are needed, and even if we are not. Let's show up and simply be the best versions of ourselves. This Friends, will move the world.

Now, you might laugh at me on this second one...that's o.k., I laugh at myself all the time! :) Earlier this week I had a failing moment. And then I saw the most beautiful quote that spoke to the depths of my soul. The quote said, "You didn't fail, you are learning how to ride your bike." I can't tell you how much that silly little quote means to me. I bet you I have repeated to myself hundreds of times over the last few days and it immediately shifts my perspective. Crazy, after all these years of beating myself up over failing moments and this little quote finally made it all click for me.

You make a mistake/do the wrong thing as a wife, husband, mother or father? You didn't fail, you are learning how to ride your bike. You make a mistake/do the wrong thing at your job? You didn't fail, you are learning how to ride your bike. You make a mistake/do the wrong thing in pursing your life purpose? You didn't fail, you are learning how to ride your bike. I don't know about you Sweet Friends, but for me, repeating those eleven words reminds me that I don't have to be perfect, I am learning. I am learning how to be a Godly man. I am learning how to be a husband. I am learning how to be a Dad. I am learning how to be a friend. I am learning how to be a leader. I am learning... I didn't fail, I am learning how to ride my bike. And Dear Friends, the same is true of you! :)

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your precious families. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at 

Have a great day, enjoy the rest of your weekend and please cherish your precious families.


Friday, December 7, 2018

We Choose

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope & trust this post finds you all having a great day on this beautiful new opportunity that is beginning to dawn! :)

This morning I want to put some more tools in our toolboxes to help us build the masterpiece we are each creating - the life we live! Just as a hammer does not drive a nail by itself, the thoughts and ideas that I will share are useless unless the carpenters - that us!!! :) - utilize them for the purposes they were intended. You and I get to choose Sweet Friends...we WILL choose! :)

I want to start off by sharing an excerpt from an article that appeared in an IndyStar article on December 5, 2018. The article is titled, Tyler Trent: Here's why I'm grateful this holiday season. Tyler, who last night won the Disney Spirit Award at the College Football Awards, is a twenty-year old sophomore at Purdue University. He is currently undergoing bone cancer treatment. 2 1/2 months ago, his doctors gave him 3 months to live. Here is a part of what Tyler had to say:

"Though I am in hospice care and have to wake up every morning knowing that the day might be my last, I still have a choice to make: to make that day the best it can be. To make the most of whomever comes to visit, texts, tweets or calls me.

Yet, isn't that a choice we all have every day? After all, nobody knows the amount of days we have left. Some could say we are all in hospice to a certain degree.

So why don't we act like it? Where is your gratitude? With Christmas coming, what are you thankful for? I had to write my will recently, and I'm just thankful I can give my family Christmas presents, maybe even for one last time. Let's not forget that my doctors gave me three months to live almost two-and-a-half months ago. So why can't we live grateful lives? Why can't we make every day count like it's the last?"

Wow!!! Anyone else feel like they have been hit right between the eyes with a 2 x 4!!! Unbelievable...

Three things really jumped out at me:
1. "...a choice to make: to make that day the best it can be." We might not be in the circumstances or situations we want - I am fairly certain that if he could choose, Tyler would not choose this...come to think of it, didn't Jesus pray for His situation to change? - however we still get to choose to make the day the best it can be. Wow!!!

2. "To make the most of whomever comes to visit, texts, tweets or calls me." I haven't ever thought of it that way, have you? To make the most of whomever is right there, in the moment. What if we approached the calls, visits, texts, etc. from our spouses, children, friends or as Tyler says, "whomever," like that? To "make the most of them." What a different world we would live in!

3. "Some could say we are all in hospice to a certain degree." Never thought of it but he is exactly right! Each one of us is a day closer to our last on this earth. Maybe we are not in an actual hospice facility or on home hospice but in reality, we are all in hospice. If you look up the definition of hospice it says, "a home providing care for the sick or terminally ill." I think that kinda describes us all - sick or terminally ill. We know that none of our earthly bodies will live forever and we also know that we do not know which day or hour will be our last. As Tyler said, "So why don't we act like it?"

The toolbox is getting full this morning! One more thing I feel convicted to share this morning. Last Sunday my Beautiful Bride and I were watching a sermon online. The Pastor had a guest on stage who is blind. They were talking about his "disability" - I put that in quotes because we are ALL disabled in something, to some degree...we just don't all realize it!!! :) - and how he feels about it. People feel sorry for him, say "awww" when they hear he is blind, etc. The thing is, this gentleman does not see it as a curse but rather a blessing. He knows he is blind and needs to rely on the Lord while many of us with physical sight are completely blind and have no clue! Let that sink in for a moment Sweet Friends! Every last one of us is "sick," "broken," and in hospice some way, to some degree or another. And yet each and every day we get to choose to rely on the Lord and seek true sight, to make each day the best it can be and to make the most of whomever is before us! :)

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families.
