Friday, December 28, 2018

Christmas 365

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope & trust this post finds you having a great day on this beautiful Friday evening from the Texas Gulf Coast. Additionally, I hope you had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends.

You wanna know how awesome my last week has been? I woke up this morning and did not realize it was Friday!!! What?!?! I have been to a bowl game, a movie, to Dave & Busters, had a bonfire...just wonderfully blessed times with my family. I committed to being fully present and have done so. And I about had a heart attack this morning when I realized it was Friday!!! Got the lights down, played a football game with my boys - I am now affectionately known as the "Flying Walrus", a date with my Beautiful Bride and now here I am! :)

Having just passed Christmas and now going into the new year I just want to offer two, simple, quotes.

This first quote I shared on Twitter on Christmas Day.

"My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?" - Bob Hope

Why do we have to wait? I think we all know the answer... we don't. The bigger question perhaps is, "Will we actually do it?" Think about it; the calendar turns to December 1st and all the sudden we start thinking of ways to love on and bless others. What if we lived our lives that way every day?! Can you imagine?! I want to challenge you to join me in living this out every love on and bless others. It really is just an attitude of our hearts which reflects the condition of our hearts. I don't think when Jesus was born the idea was that we would live this out on one highly commercialized day of the year. I am pretty sure He did not die on a cross for that one day either. The wonder, joy and excitement of Christmas does not have to only exist one day or season of the can exist in our lives every day of the year if we choose to let it do so.

The second quote I came across a couple of days ago on Facebook.

"What will the new year bring us? 365 Opportunities." - Unknown

There it is. You and I have 365 opportunities before us in this new year. It is completely up to each one of us as to what we will do with them. I hope and pray we will choose to be intentional, to be positive, to choose faith over fear, to choose hope over despair, to pursue the greatness that is within each one of us and to never ever, ever quit! Regardless, I recognize that I must choose each and every day to seize the opportunity that is before me, to win the day. I just wanted to make sure you know you have this same wonderful choice to make! :)

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend, a Happy New Year, and please cherish your precious families.


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