Friday, February 22, 2019

It's Not Complicated...

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope & trust this post finds you having a great day as a new opportunity prepares to dawn on the Texas Gulf Coast! We might be in trouble this morning...I woke up earlier than normal this morning, ready to roll! :)

This morning I want to talk about a couple of things. The first thing I want to do is share something I read on Facebook a few days ago that spoke deeply to my heart. I want to share it in it's entirety first, and then share some thoughts about different parts of it. As always, please don't let my reflections get in the way of what your heart, your spirit, has to say to you! :)

This was on the Pursuit of Marriage Facebook page:

"Husbands: Being the head of the household means work, duty and great responsibility. As head of the household you are responsible for everything that happens in the family. You cannot enjoy the privileges of headship and not be willing to shoulder the responsibilities that come with it. You can't franchise, subcontract or outsource your husband responsibilities and not hurt your wife and marriage. You are accountable to God for the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare of your family. Make your wife's life easier by carrying all your responsibilities dutifully. Your wife was not created to play her role and yours at the same time. You wife should not live like a widow while you are still alive. You are the Spiritual Covering, Provider and Protector of the family. Therefore be involved. Be present. Take charge. Work hard. Pray, plan and execute. Let your wife thank God that she is married to you. #Genesis2:15 #manup #servantleader #joenkerry"

So convicting! So inspiring! Lord, please help me be all you created me to be! :)

O.K., now I want to share some thoughts...

"Husbands: Being the head of the household means work, duty and great responsibility."
- Here are a couple of definitions from
Duty = Something that one is expected or required to do by moral or legal obligation.
Responsibility = The state or fact of being responsible, answerable, or accountable for something within one's power, control, or management.
The Bible is perfectly clear; the husband is to be the head of the household...not in the way our society would like to define "head" but as God does. This means work, duty and responsibility.

"As head of the household you are responsible for everything that happens in the family."
- Everything... Going back to Adam, men have been trying to blame their failures on someone else. The bottom line men, is we are responsible for everything that happens within our families. Let's stop blaming our wives, children, society, etc. Let's man up and honor what God has called us to be!

"You cannot enjoy the privileges of headship and not be willing to shoulder the responsibilities that come with it."
- This, right here, is - I believe - the root of so many of our problems. I am fairly certain this is why so many bristle at the idea of "the husband is the head of the household." You see, we are great with accepting the privileges with being the head of the household - whatever you might believe they are - however we are not fulfilling the work, duty and responsibility portions of what this means. It is not supposed to be privileges first and then everything else if I have time. It is supposed to be work, duty and responsibility and then, and only then, will we be able to enjoy - not take advantage of! - the fruits of our labors!

"You can't franchise, subcontract or outsource your husband responsibilities and not hurt your wife and marriage."
- As a husband, you cannot be replaced. Yes, the marriage can possibly survive with you franchising, subcontracting or outsourcing your responsibilities however your wife and marriage will not thrive and become all they were created to become if you do these things. Regardless of what society would like to tell us today, you are critically important.

"You are accountable to God for the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare of your family."
- Be sure of this husbands; one day you and I will stand before God and give account for how we led our households. There will be no excuses then. Just you/I and God...being held accountable for what we did or did not do.

"Make your wife's life easier by carrying your responsibilities dutifully."
- Did you know that we have real-life super heroes walking the face of the earth today? We really do. They are the women, wives and mothers who are doing the work of the man and woman because men turned into little boys and ran or continually fail to be what they were called to be. This was not the way God designed it to be and, as with anything that is used for a purpose for which it is not designed, it doesn't work like it is supposed to work. Man up!

"Your wife should not live like a widow while you are still alive."
- This one hurts the heart. There are far to many women living life as though they are widows because men fail. This is not right, it is not fair, and it must change! 

"Therefore be involved."
- Get in the game! You don't have to have all the answers...none of us do! Be a part of the family! Get involved! 

"Be present."
- There are a whole lot of families with the man there physically however his emotional and spiritual presence is nowhere to be found. Let's get our priorities in order! Put down the phone/IPad. Turn off the game. Listen, not to the voices but also the hearts, of your wife and children. Be fully is the greatest gift you can give them!

"Take charge."
- Not over-bearing, but rather be willing to take responsibility, to be accountable. You are setting the direction for your family through the life you live. Is your family heading in the direction you want them to go?

"Work hard."
- Simple question; are you working as hard at loving, honoring, and protecting your wife as you are at your job? Spoiler alert; one has eternal consequences and one doesn' know the answer!

"Pray, plan and execute."
- I love this! Pray first, then develop a plan and then execute the that order! 

I also want to share another thought/idea/concept with you that is not super complicated however our follow through is suspect, at best. I am not sure whether I read or heard this little reminder however it has popped into my head several times over the past week or so. This profound, earth-shattering thought? Love...

You know, the Bible doesn't tell us to love those who look like us, act like us or talk like us. It doesn't tell us to love people who believe what we believe. It doesn't tell us to love people who have the same political views as us. It doesn't tell us to love people who are nice to us. It doesn't tell us to love people who have it all figured out. It doesn't tell us to love people who are in the "in crowd." No, all these parameters that are placed around whom we will love and when we love them are developed by us, the fallen, broken one's.

The Bible tells us to love people. Period. Nothing else needed. Just love people. The hurting, the lost, the broken, the nice, the rude, the kind, the failures, the successes, the... You get the point! We don't get to choose who to love...we are called to love everyone! What would this world look like if we really did that? Loved? This is my challenge for all of us simply love people where they are at, today! :)

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families.


Friday, February 15, 2019

Affirm, Inspire, Kick In The Rear

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope & trust this post finds you all having a great day as a glorious new opportunity begins to dawn on the Texas Gulf Coast! THIS is going to be one special day! :)

I genuinely love meeting people and visiting with them. I truly believe we can learn something from everyone and thus, I don't believe any interaction is useless or a waste of time. In my life, I have found that I have one of three takeaways from any interaction:
1. Affirmation - Things that when I listen to others it is affirmed that I am on the right path, doing the right things.

2. Inspiration - Things that when I listen to others I am inspired to be a better man, husband, father, friend and leader.

3. Kick In The Rear - These are my least favorite and probably the most valuable. These are the things that show me where I am coming up short...things I should have known, should be doing, but for whatever reason I am not.

This morning I want to share a few things with you that I came across this week. While I am not going to tell you which of the 3 they are for me, I am going to share a few thoughts/ideas about each. Please don't let my commentary get in the way of what your Spirit is telling you about each...your Spirit is a far better guide than me! :)

"Accountable leaders clarify for their families what's most important in life." - Boyd Bailey

Such a profound, simple, thought! So, are you and I clarifying for our families what's most important in life? And my Spirit is convicting me to say that this clarity is revealed far more in our actions than in our words! We can talk all we want however if we aren't walking the walk, our words are hollow. AND, we are walking out some priorities...whatever they may be.

If we aren't clarifying - through our thoughts, words & actions - the things that are important, how is anyone to know? And we all go through seasons where we loose sight of our priorities. If you find yourself here this morning Sweet Friend, don't beat yourself up and go down that path. Yesterday is cannot change it. Today is here...we get to choose how we will live it. Does it involve re-calibrating and clarifying for your family what is most important in life?

"What if we began viewing our talents as a way that God has equipped us to bless others?" - Unknown

You and I DO have talents...I have yet to meet a single person that isn't talented in something. How are you and I using these talents? Are we even using them at all? And please, don't even try to rate the significance of different talents. They are all gifts from God - think about THAT - and are to be used to serve other lives and bless them.

So, if you are talented at cooking, singing, writing, painting, dancing, carving, building, creating, or whatever else it may be, please realize, you have been equipped to serve and bless others. Are you using your talents in this manner?

"Relationships are the currency of leadership, for without people, an organization would lose its purpose and value." - Unknown

People and relationships give our lives value, meaning and purpose. Why is this so often forgotten? We are all into the latest technology, new strategies, etc. and we tend to ignore people and relationships. And at the end of the day, people are what matter most. 

We spend so much time trying to achieve something, pursuing careers, trying to make money, achieve a certain status, get so many followers or likes, etc. and all the while there are hurting, lost and broken people all around us, sometimes under the same roof as us! What if we stopped chasing things and started chasing the people we are blessed to have in our lives? What if we really worked to have a relationship with them and worked every day to serve them? What if we set our selfish ambitions to the side and just genuinely pursued people? What if we really lived? Now THAT would be a great family and business strategy! :)

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families.


Friday, February 8, 2019

Let's Talk

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope & trust this post finds you having a great day as a glorious new, chilly, opportunity begins to dawn on the Texas Gulf Coast! :)

This morning I just want to have a little talk, based on two quotes I came across this week. So please, grab a cup of coffee or tea, pull up a chair and let's look at a couple of things... :)

"It is impossible to move forward if your thoughts and actions are focused on your past mistakes and failures." - Unknown

You made a mistake? You failed? Great! This means you are alive and actually living life! It is only those who never try to do anything, or who quit the moment that something doesn't go their way, that truly fail. Mistakes and failures are not stop signs...they are stepping stones! :) I once read a great quote that said something like, "mistakes and failures are simply lessons. They have served their purpose. Learn from them and go on!"

So let's talk about our actions and focus. And I should really say those the other way around as our focus will determine our actions. Again, if we have learned from our mistakes and failures, they have served their purpose. There is absolutely no reason to keep focusing on them. Think about it. Do we need to pull out a basic arithmetic table this morning and go over it? 1 + 1 = 2. 2 + 2 = 4. It's o.k. to smile and laugh! :) Why in the world would we do that?! We have already learned the lesson. We will never get anywhere if we go back every morning and rehash every lesson we have ever learned. So why do we treat our mistakes and failures different?! They were simply lessons Sweet Friend, simply lessons. :)

Our actions will then show that we have learned the lesson. Just like we take a test to prove we have learned math, we live life to prove we have learned from our mistakes and failures. If we don't learn the lesson, we get to repeat the mistake or failure until we learn to do something different. Simple as that! :)

So Friends, please look up to the glorious future that is calling to you. Your mistake or failure did not define you, it refined you! It was simply there to help you become the best version of yourself that you are capable of becoming. Don't wish they didn't happen, be thankful that they did so you could learn, grow and become all that you were created to become! :) You matter, your life is so valuable and your incredible, God ordained, purpose is so great! Run boldly, confidently, toward it!  If you have ever made a mistake or had a failure, you are more prepared than ever before to live it!

"Our potential is one thing. What we do with it is quite another." 
- Angela Duckworth

I guess it is the coach inside of me and the manifestation of a gift God has given me. This quote makes my Spirit soar. When I see a person, I see greatness. I see the unique talents, gifts & abilities. Yes, sometimes it is buried underneath a lot of dirt - fear, carrying the burdens of past mistakes & failures, hurtful words, etc. - but it is there. I think this is why I fly out of bed every morning. Each day, like each person, carries great potential. It is up to us - our thoughts, focus & actions - that will determine what we do with this great potential. Each one of us will decide, every pursue this great potential or let it lay dormant for another day. Either way, we are going to live this day, this life.

I don't know who you are, where you are or what you have gone through. I do believe, to the depths of my soul, that you have greatness within you. I don't know what it is, but I do believe, without a doubt, that it is there. How? Why? Because the Bible tells me that the God who created everything intentionally chose to create you, on purpose, for a purpose, for which you are perfectly equipped, that you lack nothing. I believe that what the Bible says is true. This means that you, I and everyone else have great potential. God has done his part, now it is up to us to do ours.

I pray this morning Friends that you and I will strive to become all that we were created to become. Yes, it will take wisdom, strength & courage but I promise you, it will be worth it. Please don't allow your talents, gifts & abilities - whatever they may be - go undeveloped. You were created to do great things! This world desperately needs YOU - the pure, authentic, best version of you! Please, choose to pursue your greatness! :)

O.K., now I am all fired up and need to head to the gym. Thanks for taking a few minutes to visit this morning! :)

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families!


Friday, February 1, 2019

Faith or Fear...It Is A Choice

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope & trust this post finds you all having a great day as a new, soggy, opportunity begins to dawn on the Texas Gulf Coast. :)

This morning I want to share several excerpts from the book, Think Like A Warrior: The Five Inner Beliefs That Make You Unstoppable, by Darrin Donnelly. It is a fable about a college football coach going through a season of trial in his life. At different points, he is visited by legendary coaches who share their wisdom with him. My Beautiful Bride gave me this book last Sunday and I had read the whole thing by Wednesday. I would highly recommend this book to all of you.

I would consider this Happy Friday another tool in the tool box. This isn't one of those tools that you pull out when faced with a certain type of problem. No, this tool is meant to be thought-provoking. As I read the words I am about to share with you, they spoke deeply to my heart. Ultimately, as with any thought or idea, you have to decide what you will do with them. I pray they bless your life like they have blessed mine.

And before sharing the excerpts, I want to share a quote with you that I posted on Facebook this morning:

"True wisdom is not acquired by capturing knowledge, it is earned by acting upon knowledge. True bravery is not the absence of fear, it is doing what you feel is the right thing to do, in spite of fear." - Unknown

And now for the excerpts...

"Champions, however, approach the unknowable realm with confidence and faith. Whether you walk into the unknown with faith or fear determines your future."

"Every action you take and every decision you make is done out of either faith or fear. It's a choice we're all constantly making, usually without even realizing it. Are you walking forward in faith or fear? The answer will determine your success."

"The more confidence you have, the more faith you have, the more you believe in yourself and your abilities; the more success and happiness you will have in life."

"The fastest and easiest way to build confidence is through preparation."

"For a man to be confident in a task, he must know that he has done everything possible to properly prepare for it."

"Everyone needs to have someone they trust telling them they believe in them. And the most important person who can tell you this is you. You have to tell yourself again and again that you have what it takes to succeed."

"Always tell yourself that you can do it. Never talk down to yourself. This is an important one. Make sure you understand how powerful self-talk is."

"Once an error is made, learn from it, then put it out of your mind. The mistake has served its purpose, now it must be forgotten."

"A man can be as great as he wants to be if he has sincere confidence, courage, determination, and faith. It starts with always choosing faith over fear. Everything will work out for the best if you make it a habit of choosing faith over fear."

"You see, when we place our dependence on God, we no longer have to worry. This type of faith allows us to be bold, even recklessly bold, in the pursuit of our dreams. Faith in God takes confidence to a whole new level. It provides us with help along the way as well as sureness in our action. We can know with certainty that if we give our absolute best, God will take care of the rest."

"I believe we all have a moral obligation to use the talents God has given us and to pursue the dreams God has placed in our hearts. And that means working extremely hard to enhance those talents and chase those dreams. We must see ourselves as co-creators with the Creator.
You see, our skills can only be honed and our character can only be improved by pushing ourselves to the max. By overcoming the struggle and adversity that comes from trying to become the very best we can possibly be. By reaching our limit and then pushing even further. That is how we give our best. That is how we achieve greatness."

"If you give anything less than your best, you're not only cheating yourself, you're also cheating your Maker. You have a responsibility to become the best version of yourself, the person God made you to be. Too many people back down or quit before they give their all."

"They may hope and pray and call that faith, but all along God is waiting for them to get off the couch and start boldly pursuing what it is they desire."

"My habit of prayer was part of who I was and my faith was the fuel for everything I did. I prayed for guidance and strength and for God to take care of the things that I couldn't. I knew that God expected me to be the best I could possibly be and then He would handle the rest."

"We have to trust that God knows our purpose better than we do. That requires humility and it's not easy."

"Faith must always be first. It's the foundation of everything in your life and it's the only source of confidence you can rely on no matter what."

" must choose faith over fear. It is safe to trust. If you do your part, you can be assured God will do the rest. He'll put you where you need to be."

"Before making any significant decision or taking any important action, you have to ask yourself, 'Am I doing this base on faith or fear? Am I doing this based on confidence or worry?' Remember this: success follows faith and failure follows fear. Make sure you choose faith over fear."

And then, there is this beautiful declaration. We would be wise to repeat it often...

"I CHOOSE FAITH OVER FEAR. I have complete and total confidence that I have what it takes to accomplish the dreams in my heart. Most failures are a result of people falling to their fears and worries. I am fearless. I am fully committed to pursuing my dreams, developing the unique talents I've been blessed with, and becoming the person I was born to be. I know that if I give my absolute best today, I can safely trust God to put me where I need to be and to make sure that everything works out for the best. I believe I am here for a reason and I have everything I need to fulfill my purpose in life. Success follows faith and I have unbreakable faith."

And finally, I feel compelled to share this scripture...
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and self-control." - 2 Timothy 1: 7

Faith or fear? You and I will choose. I pray we choose wisely for our very destinies hang in the balance.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families! :)
