Friday, February 15, 2019

Affirm, Inspire, Kick In The Rear

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope & trust this post finds you all having a great day as a glorious new opportunity begins to dawn on the Texas Gulf Coast! THIS is going to be one special day! :)

I genuinely love meeting people and visiting with them. I truly believe we can learn something from everyone and thus, I don't believe any interaction is useless or a waste of time. In my life, I have found that I have one of three takeaways from any interaction:
1. Affirmation - Things that when I listen to others it is affirmed that I am on the right path, doing the right things.

2. Inspiration - Things that when I listen to others I am inspired to be a better man, husband, father, friend and leader.

3. Kick In The Rear - These are my least favorite and probably the most valuable. These are the things that show me where I am coming up short...things I should have known, should be doing, but for whatever reason I am not.

This morning I want to share a few things with you that I came across this week. While I am not going to tell you which of the 3 they are for me, I am going to share a few thoughts/ideas about each. Please don't let my commentary get in the way of what your Spirit is telling you about each...your Spirit is a far better guide than me! :)

"Accountable leaders clarify for their families what's most important in life." - Boyd Bailey

Such a profound, simple, thought! So, are you and I clarifying for our families what's most important in life? And my Spirit is convicting me to say that this clarity is revealed far more in our actions than in our words! We can talk all we want however if we aren't walking the walk, our words are hollow. AND, we are walking out some priorities...whatever they may be.

If we aren't clarifying - through our thoughts, words & actions - the things that are important, how is anyone to know? And we all go through seasons where we loose sight of our priorities. If you find yourself here this morning Sweet Friend, don't beat yourself up and go down that path. Yesterday is cannot change it. Today is here...we get to choose how we will live it. Does it involve re-calibrating and clarifying for your family what is most important in life?

"What if we began viewing our talents as a way that God has equipped us to bless others?" - Unknown

You and I DO have talents...I have yet to meet a single person that isn't talented in something. How are you and I using these talents? Are we even using them at all? And please, don't even try to rate the significance of different talents. They are all gifts from God - think about THAT - and are to be used to serve other lives and bless them.

So, if you are talented at cooking, singing, writing, painting, dancing, carving, building, creating, or whatever else it may be, please realize, you have been equipped to serve and bless others. Are you using your talents in this manner?

"Relationships are the currency of leadership, for without people, an organization would lose its purpose and value." - Unknown

People and relationships give our lives value, meaning and purpose. Why is this so often forgotten? We are all into the latest technology, new strategies, etc. and we tend to ignore people and relationships. And at the end of the day, people are what matter most. 

We spend so much time trying to achieve something, pursuing careers, trying to make money, achieve a certain status, get so many followers or likes, etc. and all the while there are hurting, lost and broken people all around us, sometimes under the same roof as us! What if we stopped chasing things and started chasing the people we are blessed to have in our lives? What if we really worked to have a relationship with them and worked every day to serve them? What if we set our selfish ambitions to the side and just genuinely pursued people? What if we really lived? Now THAT would be a great family and business strategy! :)

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families.


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