Happy Friday, Friends!
I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day as this glorious new day begins to dawn in my Sweet Home Alabama! :)
Earlier this week I was visiting with a colleague about a task she had to do. I made the comment, "I would not like doing what you have to do all the time." She replied, "While I don't necessarily want to do it, I realize that it is important work, and I have the opportunity to make it as good as possible." She was honoring her calling and living a "get to" life rather than a "have to" life.
I remember the first time this perspective hit me in a really big way. I had the privilege of serving at an academic health center and I was speaking with a pediatric physician. She was explaining to me how she had stepped into her life calling. She was telling me about her experience working in a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). She told me about a particularly difficult day where she had to have a conversation with multiple families about taking their baby off life support. She stated, "I thought there has to be something more to it than this." A conversation no parent or physician wants to have and yet here she found herself on multiple occasions in a single day. She then decided that if this is what needed to be done, she was going to live a "get to" life rather than a "have to" life. Instead of dreading and fearing the moment, she was going to live fully in the moment, tenderly loving, caring, and serving to the very best of her ability. This led her to create about program that teaches physicians the compassionate delivery of medicine.
What kind of life do you and I live? Do we have a whole bunch of things we "have to" do or do we have a whole bunch of things we "get to" do? I remember the season of life where I had 3 little boys in my home and I was running from one ballpark to another in a never ending way. The season, in reflection, was short. I remember a sweet, elderly, colleague at the time telling me, "These are the bleachers years...enjoy them." She was encouraging me to live a "get to" life as opposed to a "have to" life.
I found a few articles on this topic as I prepared for this Happy Friday and I want to share some excerpts with y'all this morning.
Jon Gordon wrote a article titled Get To instead of Have To on March 30, 2015. You can read the full article at jongordon.com. He stated in part:
"When I'm mentoring leaders I encourage them to focus on "get to" each day. I encourage them to focus on feeling grateful instead of stressed. The research shows we can't be stressed and thankful at the same time so when you are feeling thankful and focusing on "get to" you fuel up with positive emotions that uplift you rather than the stress hormones that drain you. People who do this, report feeling more energized, productive and engaged at work.
Sure there will be challenges and life isn't easy but if we approach each day as an opportunity to learn, grow and be thankful we live a more meaningful and powerful life.
So today join me in saying that my life is a gift not an obligation and I Get To make the most of it."
Audrey Rucker wrote an article titled, "Have To" Vs. "Get To" One word will change your outlook on life. on August 9, 2016. You can find the full article at theodysseyonline.com. She stated in part:
"By changing one simple word you will see the world and your life in a new light. Filled with positivity, gratefulness, and humility you will truly realize how much you "get to" do in your life. So my friends, the next time you go to complain about having to make dinner, having to go to practice, having to study, having to drive...remember how blessed you are that you "get to" do those things."
Finally, Andy Wooten wrote an article titled, Have To Vs. Get To on October 14, 2016. You can read the full article at tripeaksconsulting.com. Andy concludes the article with this:
"Changing your perspective may not change what goes on your to-do list, but it certainly makes a difference when it comes to how those things get done. Make the choice to replace Have To with Get To and see how your perspective and you life changes as a result.
Is your day filled with things you "have to do" or is it filled with things that you "get to do?""
So, Sweet Friends, the challenge for us is to live a "get to" kinda life as opposed to a "have to" kinda life. And, it is a choice we will have to make over and over again. Especially on days when we get to do a whole bunch of things, some of which might not be the things we would have chose to do or situation we would not have chosen to be in. On those days, and in those moments, let us remember that it is an honor and privilege to live the life we are living and let us honor our calling and the moment.
I want to close with a quote I came across this morning...I think it touches on living a get to life.
"Every day is important for us because it is a day ordained by God. If we are bored with life there is something wrong with our concept of God and His involvement in our daily lives. Even the most dull and tedious days of our lives are ordained by God and ought to be used by us to glorify Him." - Jerry Bridges
Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at kevin@whatwillyourinfluencebe.com.
Have a great day, a wonderful weekend, please cherish your precious families, and please stay well! :)