Friday, June 4, 2021

What Will You Do With It?

Happy Friday, Friends!

I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day as a glorious new opportunity begins to dawn in my Sweet Home Alabama! :)

I want to start this week's Happy Friday by sharing a brief excerpt from VIP (Very Influential Person): How to Influence with Vision, Integrity, and Purpose by O.S. Hawkins. I am about half way through this thoughtful, inspiring book and I would strongly recommend it for all of you! :)

"Etymologically, our English word influence comes from the compound of two Latin words that are translated "in" and "flow." This brings to mind a word picture of a mighty and vibrant, crystal-clear river that runs deep and wide. Its rapid current flows powerfully, circumventing any and all obstacles in its way. This river is fed by numerous smaller creeks and streams that arrive at the river and virtually empty themselves into it. Letting themselves be caught up in the flow. Influence works like that; you live your life in such a vibrant manner that those who come into contact with you become caught up in your flow.

In writing to the ancient Corinthians, and to us, the apostle Paul pointed to the fact that each of us has been assigned a specific sphere of influence. Paul taught that we should "boast only with regard to the area of influence God assigned to us" and prayed that "our area of influence among you may be greatly enlarged" (2 Corinthians 10:13, 15 ESV). Put this book down in your lap and think about that for a moment: God has assigned a specific area of influence for you! This is not some nebulous, esoteric kind of undefined influence. This is a specific area of influence where no one can be as effective as you. There is someone you can influence like no one else in this world can. No matter who you are, where you live, who you know, or what you do, the God of the universe has assigned a sphere of influence just to you. It may well be you have never thought of this, but recognizing and living out this truth can be life changing both for you and the people you influence. So what will you do about the fact that God assigned to you an area where He desires that someone somewhere gets caught up in your flow?"

Pretty powerful, right?!?! I have read the 2nd paragraph several times, and typed it now, and it hits me hard every time!

  • "God has assigned a specific area of influence for you!"
  • "...a specific area of influence where no one can be as effective as you."
  • "...the God of the universe has assigned a sphere of influence just to you."
  • "...recognizing and living out this truth can be life changing both for you and the people you influence."
Incredible! Please let those words wash over you again and again! Let them speak deeply to our souls, convict our Spirits, and inspire our actions! 

So, what will we do with this influence we have been assigned. Will we rise up and become all that we were created to become? Will we honor this assignment? Intentionally? We cannot argue whether or not we have influence; biblically we have 2 Corinthians and in the secular world we have scientific research that tells us the most introverted person will influence 10,000 in their lifetime and the average person will influence 80,000! So, what will we do with it? Your life, your assignment, your choice! :)

Todd Gongwer wrote a great book titled, Lead...For God's Sake! I have referenced this book in previous Happy Friday's and I give it my absolute highest recommendation. It is a great book! Earlier this week Todd posted the following on is a great tool for all of our toolboxes!

12 Choices for the Graduate...from a wise Janitor
1. Choose to BE where you are: Mobile devices constantly tempt us to check out of where we are mentally, and often emotionally. Manage this urge. Discipline yourself to BE where you are and engage with the people in your midst.

2. Choose your close friends wisely: Love everyone, but spend the majority of your time with people who encourage and challenge you to be your best! Character influences character, both good and bad!

3. Choose to be intentional with personal development: Find good mentors, seek honest feedback, read good books, and guard your heart. Your intake always affects your output!

4. Choose to pursue YOUR best over THE best: "The best" is about external comparisons, "your best" is about personal composition. Focus on maximizing the gifts you've been given.

5. Choose to embrace struggles: Pruning is painful, but it's been a proven path to healthy growth for may of the worlds greatest leaders. EVERY trial you face is an opportunity for growth.

6. Choose to live by Truth: Virtually every media outlet you encounter is agenda driven. Find the agenda, learn from the perspective, but make your decisions based upon TRUTH - it does exist...and it doesn't change as a result of cultural trends or preferences.

7. Choose to embrace your role in leadership: Leadership begins with influence from words, attitudes & behaviors, all three of which you choose! Choose wisely - use your influence for the good of others, not just for yourself!

8. Choose to take responsibility: Don't play the blame game. When issues arise around you, search within first to find how you've contributed to the problem, then own it and move on!

9. Choose to leave things better than they were when you found them: This applies to any job, anything you borrow AND to your interactions with people.

10. Choose to exceed expectations: Don't live life to merely meet minimum requirements - give YOUR best! Find the expectations and strive to exceed them; opportunity will follow!

11. Choose to embrace the journey: Most accomplishments that matter in life take time and effort, and require you to engage in a process. Learn to embrace delayed gratification along with this process that comes with it, and your accomplishments will become much more fulfilling!

12. Choose to prioritize PURPOSE over passions: Aspire to be great & pursue your passions but not at the expense of the people God has placed in your path. Relationships are the foundation of your purpose in this life...value every one of them as such!

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend, please cherish your precious families, and please stay well! :)


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