Friday, December 17, 2021

Prove It! I Double-dog Dare You!

 Happy Friday, Friends! 

I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day as a glorious new day begins to dawn in my Sweet Home Alabama! 😊 

Last Friday evening I came across a post on Facebook that I liked and shared. It was one of those that when I read it, I was like, “Oh! This is so good!” hit like, share, and then scrolled on. Here is what the post said:

“Do you know why God didn’t allow our pets to speak? To teach us that love and loyalty are demonstrated by actions and not words.”

Boom! Really good, right?! You with me? Like, share, and scroll on!!! Until you really stop and think about it and apply it to YOUR life…😊

So, this weeks Happy Friday is really simple; do your family and friends know that you love them, that you are loyal to them, by your actions? I don’t know about you but there is conviction in this spirit as I type these words. 

There is a great quote, attributed to so many different people that we will simply leave the author as “Unknown”:

“What you do speaks so loudly that I cannot hear what you say.”

Yes Friends, this is the point…what we actually do is so much greater than what we say. Let’s not be speakers but rather doers. I talk about – yes, I am mindful of what I just typed as I typed it!!! 😊 – loving, caring for, and serving others all the time! Do my actions demonstrate that I really love, that I genuinely care, and am I sincerely serving others or am I simply talking about it, waiting for someone else to stand in the gap? Do the things I say and the things I do line up? That is the definition of integrity by the way…

We are entering a week when we will spend a lot of time – hopefully! – with family and friends. How will you and I act? What will we say? Do they know that they are loved, valued, cherished, and adored by the things we do? Do they feel safe? Appreciated? It is the things we do, not say, that communicate these things to the deepest recesses of their hearts!

So, there is the challenge for all of us…this, and every, day for the rest of our lives; to communicate to our loved ones and friends - and we are called to do the same to complete strangers by the way…I am aiming for baby steps here!!! 😊 - that we love them, that we are loyal to them, and anything else you truly want to communicate to them, through our actions. Let your actions speak for you! Save the words and let’s really walk out what we profess with our mouths! I promise you; the impact will be much more meaningful! How do I know? My dogs have never spoken one audible word to me in their entire lives however their demonstrated love to me, their loyalty to me, is completely unquestioned! 😊 They literally show me EVERY! SINGLE! DAY! And there you have it; my goal is to grow up to be half as good as my dogs! 😊

A few real practical thoughts racing around in my mind right now, so I am going to throw them down for us right here…

  • Might be clichΓ© but 100% true; as we get ready to celebrate Christmas please never forget that what your kids really want is your presence and not your presents! And I am talking about every day…show up and be fully present.
  • And that just doesn’t just go for kids…it goes for everyone in your life. What would happen if we really put our cell phones down for the entire evening and just spent time together?
  • You can’t make hundreds of days of not showing up all o.k. by showering someone with gifts on one day a year and expect them to understand that this proves you love them. You want to prove you love them? Show up every day! The good ones and the bad ones! You show up at the stuff that is important to them that you really don’t want to go to. Why? Because it is important to them and, if you say you really love them, you will be there because it is not about you, it is about them!
  • Love is messy. We get the opportunity to prove, through our actions, that we genuinely love someone when they are most unlovable…true for them, true for you, and true for me! Trust is gained and loyalty is proved in the valleys, not the mountaintops. Keep showing up!
  • About right now I feel I need to remind all of us that we cannot change what has happened up until this time however we can change what happens in the next moment…

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful week, please cherish your families, and please stay well! 😊



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