Friday, May 20, 2022

It's Your Journey

 Happy Friday, Friends!

I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day as a glorious new day begins to dawn in my Sweet Home Alabama! Now, in full transparency, I am actually writing this Happy Friday on Tuesday evening, May 17, 2022. I have an exceptionally busy Thursday – Saturday coming, and I know I won’t be able to get to it then. Just the same...there is a message on my heart!😊

There are two pieces of encouragement I want to share with you this morning…

What is your “why?” What is your purpose? What is it that makes your spirit soar? If you don’t know the answer to these questions, I want to strongly encourage you to spend some time praying and thinking about it. Here is one thing I know – your life has great meaning, value, and purpose. And please know, your purpose is not any of your titles – familial, vocational, or otherwise. Your purpose is greater than that! It is why you were placed on this earth, and it is going to be led by your why. For example, I believe that every person has great value, meaning, and purpose (my why) and with this, I believe I was placed on this earth to encourage, empower, and equip others to become the best they are capable of becoming (my purpose). I express my why and my purpose through my roles - as a man, husband, Dad, my vocational roles, as a friend, etc. – however they are not my purpose. Now, to be clear, I definitely have priorities, and I fight vigorously for them. They, however, are not my purpose. Perhaps that will be next weeks Happy Friday! 😊 

Perhaps you know your “why” and your “purpose” however the burdens of the day, the week, the month, etc. have made you focus on the latest crisis, situation, and circumstance and you have lost clarity of, or focus on, your purpose. Please remember, “we don’t get burned out because of what we do. We get burned out because we forget why we do it.” Rekindle that flame that burns within you! Remember! Wake up that passion that cries from the deepest recesses of your heart! Remember! The things that burden your heart and spirit are important and they were placed there for a reason. Your purpose is critically important and you’re uniquely, perfectly so, created to fulfill it! It is in pursuing this great cry, the cry of your heart, that your greatest energy, passion, and fulfillment will be found! Please, do not make it wait another day! Make THIS the day that you remember, that you recommit, and that you relentlessly pursue it!

One other thing; I was in a conversation with two great men today. They are from very different backgrounds, their educations and vocations differ greatly, and yet they genuinely value and appreciate one another. One of the men made such a great statement; our journey’s – all of our journey’s – are our own. Not better or worse than any others, just different. Please don’t expect my journey to be yours or vice versa. Please don’t try to walk my path and I won’t try to walk yours. And whatever you do, please don’t judge the journey of another. We are all given abilities and disabilities, opportunities and challenges, etc. Success and failure cannot be defined by society though, be sure, society will definitely try to define you, me, and everyone else! No, true success can, and will, only be found in becoming all that each one of us is capable of becoming. As you get ready to start this Friday you have many choices to make…we all do! We can be positive or negative. We can count our blessings or look at the things we think we lack. We can be intentional or we can leave everything to chance. Regardless, it is our road to walk and we can walk it any way we want! It is your life, your journey…please live it fully!

Please don’t hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend, please cherish your precious families, and please stay well!


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