I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day!
This week I was involved in two situations that grabbed my heart and simply won't let go.
1. On Monday my Beautiful Bride and I served at Trunk or Treat with our church. Over a 4 hour span we had literally thousands of little kids stop by our trunk to get candy. I got to see firefighters, police officers, doctors, a veterinarian (who I mistakenly referred to as a doctor until my sweet little 5-year old teacher pointed out that there were animals on her coat and a doctor would not do that!), Spiderman, Batman, countless Princesses, a whole bunch of things that I have no idea what they were, etc. The thing that struck me with all of them was the sense of wonder, excitement as their sweet little eyes danced. The younger they were, the more full of wonder and opportunity they cherished in their hearts. Maybe, just maybe they thought - as demonstrated in their words & actions - they could become what they had dressed as that night. At that time and in that moment, they were not concerned with or thinking about the difficulties, the probabilities or the possibilities. They simply dreamed the sweet dreams that are in their hearts.
2. Last night I had the unspeakable honor & privilege of speaking to a football team, their coaches and their parents. Most of the players were Sophomores in high school. As I spoke to them about pursuing their life purposes, becoming the best they could become and not allowing the world to define them, you could FEEL the wonder, the hope in the room. Sadly, as I looked intently into the eyes of some, you could see the darkening of a spirit...the loss of hope.
Hopes and dreams...we all have them. I believe they are placed in our hearts to cheer us on as we pursue our life purposes. Some of us have been so discouraged, so hurt, so jaded by the walk of life that we don't even recognize them any more, let alone pursue them with passion.
There was a great quote I read once - which for the life of me I cannot find!! - which said something to the affect, "don't tell someone something can't be done. God may have waited centuries for someone ignorant of the facts to do that thing." I know I have not gotten it exactly right however I trust you get the point. As I was desperately trying to find that quote, I found a few others that I want to share with you and allow them to speak to your heart as they will:
- "Everybody has something good inside of them. Some hide it, some neglect it, but it is there." - Mother Teresa
- "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." - Henry David Thoreau
- "Hold fast to your dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly." - Lanston Hughes
- "When you say a situation or a person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God." - Charles L. Allen
- "Hope never abandons you; you abandon it." - George Weinberg
- "The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope." - Barbara Kingsolver
1. Find, rediscover - whatever it is - the hopes & dreams that have been placed as a great treasure within your heart. They are there and you are meant to pursue them. Please find the time to discover or rediscover them and pursue them with everything that is within you. I promise you will not regret it.
2. Please be extremely careful of the words that you speak into others lives. Words are seeds that get planted in the heart and grow. Please don't allow your words be the poison that kills a seed planted in the heart of another.
I really do believe there is greatness & goodness, hopes & dreams within each and every one of us. If there is ever anything I can do to help you in the pursuit of your hopes & dreams, please don't hesitate to contact me.
Have a great day, a wonderful weekend, cherish & enjoy your precious families and dream big dreams!
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