Happy Friday Friends!
I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great Friday and that you have had an awesome week! After a very busy week and a quick trip to the Great Northwest I am so ready for some quality with my family...they bless my life so richly!
Last week I wrote about having "eyes to see," to see the need of another person and to actually step up and help them. I asked you all to share your stories of moments that you clearly saw the need of another and you stepped up and helped them. I promised that I would then share your stories here this week. Here they are, all the stories that were sent to me about seeing the need of another and helping them:
(the sound of crickets chirping)
(the sound of birds singing outside)
(the sound of cars driving past our home as the city wakes up)
That's right Friends, "Happy Friday" is read by folks all over the United States, in more than 10 different countries and I did not get one story of seeing the need of another and stepping out to help them, to serve them. Now I know to the depths of my heart that people did in fact do these things and to you I say great job, I am so proud of you and I am truly thankful that God used you in that persons/those people's lives.
But why no stories? The point here is not to chastise, to be understood. No, the point here is to encourage and to understand - one another and perhaps ourselves.
I suspect a whole lot of folks didn't share a story because they are just too busy. I get that. With all the priorities in your life sharing your story should be lower on the list - after your personal growth & development, after taking care of your family, after fulfilling your calling (you might call it a job), etc. We all have those seasons of life when we want life to slow down. I get that and if that is you, hang in there, it will get better.
What concerns me is those who didn't share their story because they feel their story, their life doesn't matter. That somehow who you are and what you do is insignificant. Yes, this grieves my heart, my spirit greatly.
Friend, whoever you are and wherever you are on this beautiful Friday morning, please know that your life has great value, great meaning and great purpose. That every word you speak, every action you take speaks deeply into the hearts and souls of the people who observe you - whether you know they are watching you or not. You - husband, wife, friend, leader - are a model to anyone and everyone who sees you, who hears you...every day. Oh how I hope and pray all of our hearts and spirits will learn this, will grasp this, today. We don't operate in a vacuum. You can say that you are not a model, that what you say and do doesn't matter...and you would be very, very tragically wrong. Don't believe me? If you have the privilege of being a spouse, look deep into their eyes, into the spirit of your spouse. You will find the footprints of your words, your actions written all over their hearts. If you have the privilege of being called "Mom" or "Dad" by a precious little spirit, look at the things they say and do. You will find that they look and sound eerily like you...and not just the good stuff. Dang it!
And please don't minimize the experiences that you have had in your life. God really does use us in one anothers lives to encourage and inspire one another. We are all somewhere on this great continuum that we call life. There are people that are ahead of you and there are people behind you in terms of experiences on this wonderful life journey. Something that may now seem insignificant to you in your life is very profound, very significant to someone else in theirs - just as it once was to you -and this is your chance, your opportunity to inspire another life, to help another soul on their life journey. Please don't minimize these things, don't minimize your value, your strength. You do have a wonderful story to tell - it is your life - and it does serve a great purpose in the lives of countless people.
From this point forward, if you ever have a story you want to share, please email me, post a comment on the blog...I don't care how you get it to me. Please just know that your stories are always welcome, wanted and I would be honored to share it in a "Happy Friday" to encourage, empower and equip others on their life journey.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your families. I will always be willing to help you any way I can.
Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families.
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