Friday, June 14, 2013


Happy Friday Friends!

I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day!

Today I want to share a few thoughts, ideas, reflections - perhaps testimonies - with you.
  • I love being a husband. It is an honor, a privilege to be married to my Beautiful Bride. I believe the greatest calling I have in life is to love her, to honor her, to lead her to protect her and to provide for her. From what I understand in reading my Bible, God is going to some day hold me accountable for how well I have done these things...this inspires me. I pray every day that He will lead me, lead her and lead my 3 Tender Warriors through me.
         I am writing this Happy Friday in the middle of the afternoon as I have been spending
         the day with my Beautiful Bride. We are in Flagstaff with our oldest son for a football
         camp and 7 on 7 passing tournament. After dropping him off at camp this morning we
         walked around downtown holding hands, going in all the shops, we went out to lunch.
         Ever since I was 17-years old all I have wanted is to be with her. I enjoy talking,
         laughing, just being together. She completes me, when we are together - physically
         and in our hearts - everything feels right in the world. I am blessed.
  • I love being a Dad. It is an honor, a privilege to be the father of my sons. I believe the second highest calling in my life is to love them, to honor them, to lead them, to guide them, to protect them and to provide for them. Just as with my Beautiful Bride I believe I will have to give an account some day to God for how well I did these things. Again, this inspires me. I am also very mindful that how well I do these things will impact their wives, their children, their children's children...yes, my actions will reverberate into lives, into a time and place I will never see.
         Last Friday night the Haslam 5 went to the Diamondbacks baseball game. My 8-year
         old wanted to sit right by me the entire time. We snuggled through the game, through
         the fireworks after the was awesome. I don't know exactly what was on his
         heart however it was very clear he wanted his Dad to know he loves him, that he just
         genuinely wanted to be with him. Do you have any idea how powerfully this spoke to
         my heart?! Man am I blessed! He is not with us in Flagstaff. He wanted to stay with
         Grandma & Grandpa so he could go to Vacation Bible School...again he teaches me.

         My 13-year old was in a baseball tournament last Saturday & Sunday. He played his
         rear-end off. I don't mean that every at bat he got a hit, that he made every play in the
         field...nobody does. What I am talking about is his attitude, his effort, his desire to be
         the best teammate he can be. As I told him after the tournament; your words, your
         actions and your attitude are preaching a sermon to everyone who watches you. What
         kind of sermon are you preaching? He preached a good one, a really good one, last
         weekend. And can I please tell you something that challenges me about this kid? He
         sees good in EVERYONE. I can't tell you the number of times - true confessions here,
         please give grace - where I will say something about how poorly someone had played
         and he will point out something good that they did...every time! He too teaches me.

         My 17-year old went to camp this morning. I took him and dropped him off. After we
         had gotten him registered I asked him if he wanted me to stay or go. He said,
         "You can stay if you want." I am reminded in my spirit that though he is getting older,
         though he will soon leave home, my work as his Dad will not end until I have breathed
         my last breath. Sure, the nature, the scope will change - he must grow and become a
         man, he must leave our home, start his own family, be responsible for his own words
         and actions, etc. - there will always be a responsibility to love, to lead, to guide, to
         protect. I think the challenge is much more mine than his. He is becoming a great
         man, I can see the transformation before my eyes. The challenge is to love
         unconditionally (always), to lead (as/when appropriate), to guide (as/when appropriate)
         and to protect (as/when appropriate). The loving never changes...the leading, guiding
         and protecting is ever evolving as he grows. I pray every day that God will lead me,
         lead him through me, that I will step up when I should and that I would stay out when I
         should. I will need to pray this prayer every single day the rest of my life. And as his
         brothers grow into manhood, I will pray the same prayer for me, for them.

I have one last quick thought...time. Time is the most valuable resource we have. When we give someone or something our time we are giving them a great gift for we shall never get that time back again. I want to encourage all of us to really think about, to ponder this today. Are we spending our time as we should? Are the things that we are giving our most valuable resource to things that really matter?

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is anything I can do for you or your family. I will always be willing to help you any way I can.

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish you precious families. Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's!


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