Friday, March 20, 2015

Your Unique Influence

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope & trust this post finds you having a great day on this absolutely beautiful Friday. I am so excited; was on the road traveling all week, caught a late night flight & arrived home early this morning, taking the day off with the family and first pitch in Gehrigs baseball game is in 1 hour & 10 minutes! Blessed beyond measure!

OK Friends, this Happy Friday is going to be short & sweet - two quick points.

1. What Will Your Influence Be...?
Yes, I am talking directly to you, the one reading this right now. The fact that you will have an influence in every single life you encounter today is unescapable. While you might not like this truth, and many will fight the accountability of it, it is an absolute truth. Your words, actions, demeanor...everything you are, influences every person that you will come into contact with today. You are not responsible for how others receive your message, your influence - a whole lot of folks, including me, get hung up on this point - however you are completely responsible for the things you say & do as well as perhaps the things you don't say & don't do. It is critically important that you decide today, before the moment arises, what that influence will be. Yes there are going to be challenges & struggles. Yes there are going to be people who do & say, bad and perhaps mean things. Through all of this you & I have a choice; What Will Your Influence Be...? The influence might be a smile to a passing stranger or perhaps a moment of integrity in the face of great adversity while you don't even know someone is watching. What Will Your Influence Be...? The people closest to you in your life - perhaps your spouse, partner or child - will be influenced by the way you look, act & talk. What Will Your Influence Be...? Are you going to be a positive, life-giving influence or a negative, death-producing influence? What Will Your Influence Be...? It is so easy to get caught up in the grind of life, worn down by the worries, stresses, concerns, etc. What Will Your Influence Be...? What are you going to pour into your life today & what are you going to allow to be poured into your life? What Will Your Influence Be...? Lies, negativity, gossip...they all produce fruit. What Will Your Influence Be...? Honesty, integrity, hope, faith & love...they all produce fruit too. What Will Your Influence Be...? If you are alive today you are in fact blessed and you have amazing opportunity in front of you. What Will Your Influence Be...?

2. There Is Not One Other Person In All The World Exactly Like You
You are so valuable, so cannot be replaced! There never has been, and there never will again be, someone exactly like you. Every single thing that you have encountered in life - the successes & failures, gains & losses...all of it - have made you into the one of a kind, unique you, that you are. You are a gift that God gave to this world. He placed within you a great purpose for which He has equipped and will empower you to fulfill with Him. The best of who you can become was placed on this earth on purpose, for a purpose! This world needs you. It doesn't need you to be perfect - absolutely nobody is though most spend their entire lives trying to convince others that they are - it just needs you to be the real, true, pure, authentic you that you were created to be! Think about this truth and let the peace settle in your spirit; you don't have to be anything other than the best you that you can be. Know this...that is everything. You have nothing to prove to anyone or anything...that is a lie from the deceiver. Your individual greatness is a gift, a gift this world needs. Your gift might not be to sing in a huge opera or speak into the lives of thousands however it is every bit as important as the lives of those that do. Embrace your uniques - if you don't like the person you were created to be you are in fact arguing with the very God who created us all...think about that one for a second! You are valuable, in fact irreplaceable. Pursue your greatness Friends!

Your life & your influence are unique, special, set apart. I want to encourage you to ponder two questions every morning before the bottom of your feet touch the floor:
1. Will you pursue your greatness?
2. What Will Your Influence Be...?

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for any of you or your families. I will always be willing to help you any way I can.

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families.

32 minutes until first pitch!! :)


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