Friday, January 29, 2016

How Much Do You Give?

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope & trust this post finds you having a great day as this beautiful day & week come to a close. This week was a complete blur for me with more travel however I have met some of the most interesting, inspiring people and yesterday we got to celebrate my Beautiful Bride's birthday...I am blessed!

This week I want to share a few things with you.

1. Please go watch this video titled, "I Am NOT Black, You Are Not White" by Prince Ea. The entire video is 4 minutes and 35 seconds long and it is powerful. Here is the link:

If the link does not work simply Google the title or Prince Ea and you will find it on YouTube. Please, if you do absolutely nothing else, if you don't read another word I have written here, please go watch this video and let it speak to your spirit.

And you want to talk about something that really touched my heart? You wanna talk about the power of influence? I found this video because one of the young men I once had the privilege of coaching posted it on Facebook and had a message that simply said, "Please watch." This great man has always had a great heart and I value greatly his thoughts & insight so I watched it. I then asked my wife and boys  towatch it...they were touched by it as well. The thing that really hit me was another player I had coached at another school, at another time in my life, commented after I shared the video on Facebook thanking me for sharing such a powerful message. Two young men I have been blessed to cross paths with influencing my life and each other. This Friends, is how this precious thing we call life works.

2. I have the privilege of serving others vocationally as a development officer, I raise money. People tell me all the time, "Kevin, I could not do what you do. I could not ask anyone for money." I don't think I could ask people for money either... You see, my responsibility - honor & privilege really - is to develop relationships with people, to do life with them and, if it makes sense, empower them to accomplish the desires of their heart with their philanthropy.

One thing that has always struck me, whether at a tiny college with less than 1,000 students or at the first or second largest university in the United States, depending on which statistics you believe,  is that people almost always apologize for their level of giving, assuming that unless they are giving whatever number is big to them, their gifts are not meaningful. May I please tell you, from a development professionals viewpoint, if you give $1 your gift is meaningful and significant. You, as well as your gift, should be honored. It is something that you do not have to do and yet, you chose to do so. So please, don't ever apologize for the size of any gift you give to anyone. If you and your gift are not valued, honored & cherished, the problem is with the receiver, not you or your gift.

This week I met with one of the kindest, gentlest souls I have ever met in my life. He is a man who, though in his mid 80's...yes, you read that right, just retired in November. We had the very conversation that I outlined for you in the paragraph above. What really struck me though is this; he volunteers his time all the time. He has this great heart to give, serve and help others wherever he can. Now, from the perspective of sheer dollars, you will never hear of this mans philanthropy. Here however is the question I want to ask you; he gives himself completely...what more can he give?

That thought - giving of ourselves completely - was so impressed on my heart after leaving my meeting with that man. I have thought of it a ton since that meeting and all of its implications. As spouses, partners & parents...the money is great, it can buy neat stuff but, are we giving ourselves completely? There is tons of research that says that what those who love us want most is our presence not our presents and yet, we keep thinking we are not giving enough - material. So we work really hard, perhaps ignore those who want us - just us - and we buy stuff trying to get to "enough." And yet "enough" is eternally elusive. Yet you, literally you, will live in eternity and your presence has eternal implications. Please Friends, regardless of how much money/material things we can give, let's give all of us...there truly is no more you can give.

I have to share this as well...and please don't just think about money, think about you - all of you. Don't give of you from your wealth, that's the left overs, give of your poverty.

Mark 12:41-44 (NIV)
41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.
43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

3. This last one really touched my heart...I told you I am blessed. I met with a couple, both in their 90's. A very sweet, kind couple and very accomplished. They have achieved success according to the world through their work & riches and also through the family they have raised that has given them gifts of grandchildren & great grandchildren. The gentleman, a very sweet spirit with youthful, excited eyes, is suffering from dementia. Upon meeting them and beginning our conversation it did not take long to realize that though very kind and very sweet, something was wrong. The very first time he realized that he had forgotten what he had just said, what we had just talked about, there was a scared - like the panicked look in the eyes of a 3-year old if you are blessed to have been around one - look in those eyes and on his face. I assured him it was ok and just moved along with the conversation, valuing & validating him and his doting wife. I spent the better part of an hour with these incredible folks and what I have described played itself out several times during our time together.

As I left their home I felt this strong awareness, conviction...I don't know what to call it, in my spirit. Here are the exact words I excitedly texted to my wife; "You know, it is an honor and privilege to help people keep their dignity." Please think about that for a is an honor & privilege to help people keep their dignity.

We now live in a society that likes to make fun of, ridicule and put others down. Why?!?! I think it really is a desire on our part to somehow, sadly, elevate ourselves. However the real honor, the real privilege is in helping others keep their dignity. It is not about tearing or kicking others when they are down, whether due to poor health, poor choices, poor actions, poor words or some combination there of. Never, never, never will attacking, hurting or ridiculing others elevate either side. Never! Please Friends, in a world that encourages us to hate, to ridicule and to put down, let's be different. Let's help people find, if needed, and keep their dignity.

Please don't hesitate to contact me at any time if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can.

Have a great night, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families.


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