Friday, January 27, 2017

True Significance

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope & trust this post finds you having a great day as this glorious new day begins to dawn.

Ya know, no matter what your yesterday looked like, THIS is a new day. Within the newness of this day you & I, individually, have the choice of how this day will unfold. It begins with our attitude, continues with our thoughts and is lived out through our words & actions. Just so you know...

This week I want to talk about a couple of different things I heard over the course of the past week that I thought were really good, worthy of thought & reflection.

While listening to a program on Family Life Radio about cherishing our spouses, the guest told a story. He was working on a big, important project for work at home one evening. His wife interrupted him to tell him something that was trivial. Ever been there? I have...far to many times. You know, deadlines are pressing, I am working on this critically important project and at that moment my Beautiful Bride seems to think I need to see the cute puppy on Facebook or she wants me to know that there is some great sale for something I don't want or need at some store I never go to. Does she not understand? This is important! Blood boils, blood pressure rises... Maybe I am the only one who has ever been there... ;)

The guest then said something profound, "It's not about what the person is saying, it is about the person who is saying it." Doh! Cut to the heart! Complete perspective shift! 

What on this earth is more important than the Beautiful Bride or the three Tender Warriors who God has given to me as gifts to love, lead, protect, honor & respect? Nothing! Conviction, very strong conviction, is coming upon this man's spirit right now!

Look, the point of sharing this with you, for me to think about it, is not condemnation, to pretend that we are perfect or that every day is sunshine & roses. The point is, hopefully, we will be a little more mindful. The poorly timed, at least from our perspective, interruptions are going to come. As much as I would like to tell you that I will forever be mindful of what I have just written and that I will always handle this beautifully, I know that to do so would be a lie. However I will strive to be more mindful of it, I will thank God for the wisdom & strength when I handle it properly and I will learn & get better when I fail. 

Related to this is a sweet story that I saw on Facebook. I don't know if it is true or not but the point is dead on and it is directly related to what we are talking about this morning. It is a story of an elderly man who is at an appointment. He keeps on insisting that he needs to be out by a certain time. A person asks him why he is in such a hurry. He explains that his wife has Alzheimer's, that she doesn't remember him however he always has breakfast with her at 9:00 a.m. (or some doesn't matter). The person says, "If she doesn't know who you are, why does it matter?" The elderly man responds, "Because I still know who she is." 

One other thing that is on my heart to share with you this morning. I came across a quote this week that said, "It's not about the building, it's about what the building produces." Perhaps on the surface this quote does not mean much to you. For me it was profound and I have caught myself thinking about it a lot. 

I think what gets me so much about this quote is how we can so narrowly look at the tasks before us that we miss the greater impact of what is really happening. While we might perceive what we are doing as menial, the true impact is really quite profound. In recognizing things in their true significance - a theme this morning -  we find great purpose, a greater purpose, in what we do.

So let me give you an example. I will first stay with the theme of a building. I serve others as a development officer and currently at my place of employment one of the things we are working to help fund is in fact a building. Now, if we just look at the "bricks & mortar" it might not be all that exciting. However if we peel back the layers and realize that it is not about the building but rather those who will train within that building the perspective changes. If I will focus on the people who, because of the features of this building, will receive excellent training, and thus be better equipped to serve others, purpose becomes clear. It is about the people who will reach their full potential in pursuing their purpose while training in this building. It's not about the building, it's about what the building produces.

So I want to encourage you, whatever your "building" is, really look & seek to understand what it produces. Are you a coach? Regardless of what society tries desperately to tell you, it is not about the wins & is about the men & women, husbands & wives, Dads & Moms of character who are developed through sports. What is the bigger vision, the bigger purpose? I get that we must have "wins", however those are defined in your endeavor, or we will quite likely be without a job. The "wins" however do not define you nor are they what the "sport" produces. They are a part of the process but not the final outcome to be achieved. Give it some thought, please. You will find great power & purpose once you clearly understand what you really do is all about.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families.


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