Friday, May 26, 2017

Dream Small

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope & trust this post finds you all having a great day as a beautiful new day prepares to dawn!

This week the radio station I listen to in the morning had an artist on who is releasing a new song titled, "Dream Small." Now this is terrible, I don't know his name! I have listened to him twice, to his song - which has yet to be recorded - twice and searched the radio station webpage and Facebook page this morning and I still can't tell you who he is...Augh! Regardless, I want to share his powerful point this morning.

Now before we even get started let me make it explicitly clear; this is not a message about not having big goals, dreams & aspirations. The artist doesn't believe they are bad and neither do I. In fact, both of us would argue that the big dreams are God inspired and should be pursued, relentlessly.

The point of this message however is in the day to day living, the artist refers to it as the minutes, of our lives. It is the time now while you are preparing for the big dream. A lot of folks would perhaps refer to it as the process. In these times our true strength, perhaps significance, is found.

You and I are where we are today for a reason. Isn't it interesting that when really big things happen, goals are met, that we refer to them as "God ordained." However do we look at the smaller moments - being a Mom or Dad, going to work with the people we are going to work with today, the neighbors we live by - as God ordained as well? They are! :)

As the artist stated, "God does the extraordinary in the ordinary." Let that sink in for a moment Friends... Let's not get so caught up in chasing "the big dream" that we miss the countless ordinary moments that God can use for extraordinary outcomes. There are no wasted encounters, no wasted days, no unimportant people or duties. This is the point of dreaming small.

Today let us dream of doing the ordinary things we do extraordinary well! Let's love our spouses/partners, children & friends well! Let's be the best version of ourselves at all times, in all interactions! Let's take time today to notice the hurting & broken and show extraordinary compassion! Let's truly do whatever tasks we have today "as though we are working for the Lord, not for human masters!" Today let's not try to decide who or what is important and let's recognize that God has us here, now, for this moment and be fully present in the moment! Let's dare today to dream small!

Ephesians 2: 10 tells us, "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Who you are, where you are today is not a mistake. You, the very workmanship of God, are who you are and where you are because God has prepared this time, these people and these situations that you may walk through them, doing good works. A perspective shift for sure, if we will allow ourselves to see it.

I also want to share a few quotes with you this morning:

One tree can start a forest:
One smile can begin a friendship:
One hand can life a soul:
One word can frame the goal:
One candle can wipe out darkness:
One laugh can conquer gloom:
One hope can raise your spirits:
One touch can show you care:
One life can make the difference.
be that one today." ~ Unknown

"What makes the biggest impression is not what we do in the good times - that's easy - but how we respond in the tough times." 
~ Joel Osteen

"We must make sure our lips and our lives are preaching the same message." 
~ Rashawn Copeland

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families.


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