Friday, December 29, 2017

Keep It Simple & Go For It

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope & trust this post finds you having a great day on this absolutely beautiful Friday afternoon. I also hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that you are looking forward with hopeful anticipation to the new year. :)

As we are a few days away from New Years Day, and the subsequent New Years Resolutions, I wanted to share a couple of thoughts this afternoon.

1. This isn't all that difficult, let's not make it that way... I am talking about relationships here. How many times do we complicate things because we are waiting for someone else to do something? Or the time is not right? Or we don't know what they are going to say? Or do? Or...

The excuses, reasons, justifications, etc. can go on and on. And where do they get us? Right about where we are right now. Perhaps we should try something different. I want to encourage you Friend to think about this; if you think about calling someone, call. Or if you think about sending them a text or stopping by to see them, text or go see them. Let's stop the "what if" game and listen to the leading of our own hearts.

A couple of days ago I was talking to one of my Tender Warriors and I asked if he had wished a friend Merry Christmas. He said "no." When I asked why not he said because she had not wished him a Merry Christmas. I then said, "I thought you were a leader." He just looked at me. I said, "If you were a leader it wouldn't matter what she does or does not do. You would wish her Merry Christmas because it is who you are." I think he got it...

Another conversation was with a different family member. When asking about an old friend of his he said he had intended to call him on Christmas but had forgotten to do so. He hasn't spoken to the friend in quite a while. It was then pointed out that he could still call the friend today, that it didn't have to be Christmas. It was like this was a revolutionary kinda thought...

Let's not over-complicate this life, our relationships. Let's lay down the pride, bitterness, anger, resentment, regret, sorrow, shame or whatever else it might be that is holding us back and make the call, go see the person, etc. I pray that we will all remember that we don't own the other persons action or reaction, we only own our own. If we will just answer to the call of our own spirit, stay true to it, everything else will take care of itself. This doesn't mean every person will respond the way we want them to respond however we will leave with a greater peace in our own spirits and this Sweet Friends, is priceless.

Another thing along this same line that my Beautiful Bride and I talked about just this morning, we gotta be intentional, especially relationally. Do you like getting calls, receiving emails or having someone stop by to see you? So does everyone else! And we love to receive handwritten notes - it says I really care about you. Please be intentional, especially with the ones closest to you. Take time to think about them - their wants, needs, hopes, fears - and take intentional action to let them know you love them, you care about them, that you are there for them, to encourage them. It's funny, we all want great relationships however are we really willing to invest in them, to pour selflessly into another person, to genuinely care about them and love on them where they are? This is the water & fertilizer to great relationships! We don't get what we want in this life, we get what we work for. That is why the saying is true; the grass isn't greener on the other side of the fence, it is greener where you water it.

2. Let's go for it...whatever the hope, goal or dream, let's make 2018 the year that we truly pursue it! I get worry, fear, uncertainty...and I get being in the exact same spot! The only way things are going to change is if we change the things we think, say & do. 

Now, I am not talking pie in the sky type thinking and anything can happen stuff here. I am talking about the hopes, goals & dreams that are buried in the deepest recesses of your heart. The things that you have always been good at and wanted to do however have not taken steps to do so. I am talking about the person who has always been good at, and enjoyed, writing but hasn't written the book they dreamed of writing. Or the person who is good at painting or drawing who hasn't painted or drawn in years. Or perhaps it is a genuine heart you have for something - with the subsequent talents, gifts & abilities to successfully make a difference - however you haven't taken steps or done anything to make it happen. These are the one's I am referring to here... In 2018, let's lay down the excuses and let's pursue the calling of our own spirits.

This certainly won't be easy. We are going to need to thoughtfully consider where we gain our strength. The battle is sure to be a good one. If we are truly going to pursue the greatness within us, held in the hopes, goals & dreams of our heart, we are going to have to have great perseverance & strength. It will be perseverance & strength greater than anything another person or society as a whole can give to you or me. For me I will place my hope in the Lord and seek His face daily as I pursue my greatness.

The one thing I have determined; I will not sit here at this computer in another year and tell you that I did not go for my hopes, goals & dreams. I will not tell you that I let worry or fear keep me from taking a step into the unknown. I don't know what life will look like 365 days from today but I know that I will live each day, 365 times over, to the very best of my ability, seeking God's leading in my life and I will be at peace with whatever results my life brings.

Finally, I want to share a couple of quotes with you to end this last Happy Friday of 2017.

"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him." - G.K. Chesterton

"The Core of the Warriors Soul ~ A belief strong enough both to live for and to die for." - Unknown

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend, Happy New Year and please cherish your precious families.


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