Friday, February 23, 2018

You're A Pretty Big Deal

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope & trust this post finds you all having a great day on this absolutely beautiful Friday afternoon. I am having an awesome day - took the day off to go to Gehrig's baseball tournament and the games got cancelled because of rain...o.k., that wasn't so good! :) However, had a great workout this morning, got to talk to a dear friend whom I had not spoken to in a while on the phone, got the yard preped for fertilizing, had an amazing date with my Beautiful Bride for lunch, got to go shopping with her after lunch - she will only take me grocery shopping AFTER I have eaten, took an amazing nap and here I am! :) A great day indeed!

This Happy Friday is going to be short & sweet, with a pretty simple reminder. It is all about you! Yes, you, the one reading this right now. Did you know you're a pretty big deal? Yes, I am serious! No, I might not know you personally. No, I might not know where you live. No, I might not know what you do for a living. No, I might not know anything about you at all except I know one thing for sure - I actually know a couple of things however I will stay on point here! :) - and that is you are critically important! I could make an argument that you are irreplaceable. In my book that makes you a pretty big deal.

As I have noted in previous Happy Friday's, in one of his books John C. Maxwell sights research that found that the most introverted person will influence at least 10,000 people in their lifetime. Pause and think about that for a moment. Even if you are among the most shy, reserved people walking the face of this earth you, the words you speak, the things you do and the life you live will influence at least 10,000 people in your lifetime. Still think you are insignificant? Still think your life doesn't matter? Still think your life has no purpose? Think again Friends!

There are truly no insignificant people walking the face of this earth. Think about this; if we marginalize 1 aren't we then, proven by research, also marginalizing at least an additional 10,000? I think so. And you know what the saddest part of all this is? A whole lot of folks who do the marginalizing - to "treat a person as insignificant or peripheral" - is us of ourselves. We don't realize what a big deal we really are and so we say things like, "I am just a [fill in the blank]." But here is the thing, there is no "just a's!" Every person, every life and every purpose matters...GREATLY! Guess I am a little passionate about this, huh?!?! It truly hearts my heart to see people live a "just a" life when they - you & me! - are so much more than a "just a." Ultimately, you have to decide whether you are going to believe this, what I believe is an unquestionable truth, or not. Just want to make it perfectly clear where I stand!

So, as you inevitably knew this was coming, what will your influence be? Research proves that through the course of your life you are going to influence at least 10,000 people - that is a fact. Will it be positive or negative? Will you be intentional? Will you empower or cripple? Will you strengthen or weaken? Will people's lives be better for having crossed paths with yours or would they have been better off if they never met you? These are choices you & I, and everyone else, will make every day!

I am going to wrap this Happy Friday up with one short little quote that I think summarizes it all perfectly.

"You are here to make a difference, to either improve the world or worsen it. And whether or not you consciously choose to, you will accomplish one or the other." - Richelle E. Goodrich

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families.


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