Friday, November 8, 2019

It's Not About Us

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope & trust this post finds you all having a great day as a glorious new day begins to dawn in my Sweet Home Alabama! :)

Our church has been going through a series titled, "Sola Food." It is about the five Solas. I am going to let explain the five Solas to you, and the specific Sola it is on my heart to share with you this morning.

In the article titled, The Five Solas - Point from the Past that Should Matter to You, Justin Holcomb writes:

"The Protestant Reformation of the 16th century changed Christianity forever. Roused to action by corruption and abuses they saw in the Roman Catholic church of the time, visionary pastors and leaders like Martin Luther and John Calvin spearheaded a movement that transformed Christianity and eventually led to the emergence of the Protestant denominations that exist today.
The Reformers were guided by the conviction that the church of their day had drifted away from the essential, original teachings of Christianity, especially in regard to what it was teaching people about salvation - how people can be forgiven of sin through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and receive eternal life with God. The Reformation sought to re-orient Christianity on the original message of Jesus and the early church."

He then, briefly, explained the five Solas.
"The Five Solas are:
1. Sola Scriptura ("Scripture Alone"): The Bible alone is our highest authority.
2. Sola Fide ("Faith Alone"): We are saved through faith alone in Jesus Christ.
3. Sola Gratia ("Grace Alone"): We are saved by the grace of God alone.
4. Solus Christus ("Christ Alone"): Jesus Christ alone is our Lord, Savior, and King.
5. Soli Deo Gloria ("to the glory of God alone"): We live for the glory of God alone."

And finally, I want to share with you what he said about the Sola it is on my heart to share with you about this morning.
Glory belongs to God alone. God's glory is the central motivation for salvation, not improving the lives of people - though that is a wonderful by product. God is not a means to an end - He is the means and the end.
The goal of all life is to give glory to God alone: "Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31). As The Westminster Catechism says, the chief purpose of human life is "to glorify God and enjoy him forever.""

Our Associate Pastor, Adam Gooch, was preaching a sermon on Soli Deo Gloria. He broke Soli Deo Gloria down beautifully and shared what he called, "3 Truths of God's Glory." It was when he was speaking about what he identified as the 3rd truth - God called you for His glory - that my Spirit moved and this Happy Friday was born.

We all have talents, gifts and abilities. They are different. Some of us are skilled musicians while others are great athletes. Some have an aptitude for math while others are gifted in the sciences. The talents, gifts and abilities that we possess, and the degrees to which they are developed, are almost as infinite as the number of people walking this earth. The question is not whether you and I have talents, gifts and abilities but rather what are we doing with them and why.

Pastor Adam really got my attention when he said, "Not should I; why am I?" Have you ever been there? I know I have...a lot. Say you are a gifted baker and you love to make cakes. You are aware of someone who is struggling in life. You think to yourself, "Maybe I should bake them a cake." And then all the arguments in your mind start. What if they don't like it? What if they think I am weird? What if... And then slowly, far too often, we talk ourselves out of using the talents, gifts and abilities we have to love, care for and serve others. 

The question is not should I; why am I? Aren't questions like "what if they don't like it?" or "what if they think I am weird?" really questions about us? We are worried we will look stupid, foolish, we will fail, etc. But it isn't about us and it never will be. It is about using the influence God has given you through the talents, gifts and abilities he has placed inside of you to love, care for and serve others for His glory. Whatever those talents, gifts and abilities that you have, please don't ask whether or not you should use them - of course you should! The real question we should ask, and the heart check we should go through regularly, is why am I? Is it about lifting ourselves up, making ourselves look good? Or is it about glorifying God through what He is doing through you. I am reminded of the quote that says, "Your talents, gifts and abilities are God's gift to you. What you do with them is your gift to God."

Pastor Adam then asked the question, "What is the motivation of the heart?" If it is to pure-heartedly love, care for and serve others through the talents, gifts and abilities He has given you, by all means, move forward now. Don't worry about the outcome, God will take care of that. However, if the true desire of our heart is to glorify and honor ourselves, we would be wise to stop. It is not to our name be the glory, but to His name be the glory - alone!

A couple of other thoughts/ideas.
  • Every one of us has talents, gifts and abilities. There are no insignificant people or purposes. We may choose not to pursue the greatness He has placed in us, however that does not mean they are not there. Please don't dishonor God and His word by saying you have no talents, gifts or abilities.
  • When others recognize and compliment you on your talents, gifts and abilities, simply say "thank you." While you may have developed them, and I sincerely hope you do, they were given to you, you did nothing to earn them. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made, created on purpose for a great purpose, lacking nothing. We all, every last one of us. So let's not fake humility or try to take credit for a gift we have been given, let's simply say "thank you."
  • And Pastor Adam shared this last, beautiful thought as he wrapped up his sermon; "When you are recognized, make sure God is in the spotlight of your life." It is then that we will truly be able to reflect the glory of God.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at

Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish your precious families!


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