Happy Friday, Friends!
I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day as a glorious new day begins to dawn in my Sweet Home Alabama! 😊
I just want to share a few things with you this morning. Hopefully we will be able to tie this all together and it will make sense. So, grab a cup of coffee and let’s chat for a few…😊
My Beautiful Bride, Kathy, has me hooked on American Idol. I absolutely love that show and, while I appreciate these incredibly gifted singers, what I really love are the stories. Said it before and I’ll say it again…we ALL have a story and they ALL matter! On Monday I was struck by how many of the singers talked about lacking confidence, not believing in themselves or their abilities, etc. It was profound and got me thinkin’…
First, kudos to them for fighting through the doubt and insecurities and going for it! It was so courageous and so inspiring! And to see the tears of joy stream down their face as they realized and/or recognized that they really could do it…well, let’s just say it got a little dusty in our living room causing my eyes to water quite a bit! 😊
How about you? Is there something you would like to
do however you are afraid? What would happen if you bet on you, and the passion
that is burning within you, and you tried? Yes, it is possible that you will
fail however it is also possible that you will succeed. What life has taught me
is there is a reason there is that gnawing feeling in your stomach. I simply
want to encourage you this morning to pursue it. Let’s find out where the
border of our potential really lies and give it everything we got. Right now, I
am thinking of the Theodore Roosevelt quote that states in part:
“The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena…who at best, if he wins, know the thrills of high achievement, and, if he fails, at least fails daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat.”
Now let me pivot here for a moment…
What role do you play in others’ lives? One of the things that was so fascinating to me when I served at an academic health center was when I would visit with the physicians. I loved to ask them when they knew they would be a physician. Time and time again I would get answers like, “My teacher in 4th grade told me I was really good at science” or “I had a high school teacher who told me she believed in me.” Over and over again…someone believed in me, told me I could do it, etc. So let me ask you again, what role do you play in others’ lives? Are you one who shows them their strengths, or do you search for their weaknesses? Have you told anyone you believe in them lately? Let me just tell you, that annoying little 4th grader that you will cross paths with later today very well may be the one to cure cancer someday…if someone believes in them, encourages them, and speaks life into them. Trust me, I have met more than one physician who can point back to that time in their lives and the words spoken to them carried them through their undergraduate education, medical school, residency, and they are now using their gifts and abilities to serve others. Powerful, isn’t it?!?! So one more time, what role do you play in others’ lives? I want to challenge each one of us to look for the good in others, and then be courageous enough to speak life into their souls!
O.K., one more pivot…
I want to encourage you to look up, and then sign up for, The Jon Gordon Companies Power of Positive Summit…it is free and the messages are so powerful! Yesterday I was listening to Ben Newman. Ben is a Performance Coach, Top 50 Speaker, a #1 Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author of Uncommon Leadership, and host of The BURN podcast. I want to share just a few notes I took from Ben’s message.
“We all have a choice…choose whether we will go all
It goes back to our first point! 😊Each one of us will choose how to live this life. We can go all in or we can stay on the on the outside… one will lead to fulfilling our destiny and the other will lead to regret. Either way, the choice is yours!
“Everything you need is already within you.”
Go ahead, read it again. 😊 You have everything within you to fulfill the purpose of your life…you just have to choose to live all in!
And then he closed with this statement:
“Go beat down the door of your destiny!”
I have nothing to add…😊
I want to close by respectfully asking you to pursue all you are capable of becoming every day of your life and please, find the greatness in others and speak life to it! 😊
Please feel free to contact me at any time if there is ever anything I can do for you. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at kevin@whatwillyourinfluencebe.com.
Have a great day, a wonderful weekend, please cherish your precious families, please stay well, and please go beat down the door of your destiny!
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