Happy Friday, Friends!
I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day as a glorious new day begins to dawn in my Sweet Home Alabama! Let’s run into this day with teachable spirits, servants’ hearts, and let’s create a masterpiece! 😊
A couple of weeks ago I listened to a sermon from Life.Church titled, My Big Fat Mouth, Part 4: Gossip. It originally aired on October 1, 2017, and the message was taught by Pastor Sam Roberts. It was, by far, the best, most profound message on gossip that I have ever heard. You can watch the original message here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n2rO4FRh6Ww If you have trouble with the link simply search “My Big Fat Mouth, Part 4: Gossip” and it will pop right up. For those of you who don’t have 37 minutes or so to watch it, I am going to share my notes from the message here.
Proverbs 18:8
8 The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they
go down to the inmost parts.
The further it is shared, the further it gets from
the truth.
Rumors sink deep into a person’s heart.
Everything that is said must be true, but not everything that is true must be said!
Proverbs 16:28
28 A troublemaker plants seeds of strife; gossip separates the best of friends.
Gossip hurts the listener.
Proverbs 17:4
4 Wrongdoers eagerly listen to gossip; liars pay
close attention to slander.
If you listen to gossip, you are wrong.
Gossip hurts the speaker.
Proverbs 25:9-10
9 When arguing with your neighbor, don’t betray
another person’s secret. 10 Others may accuse you of gossip, and you will never
regain your good reputation.
When you speak badly about someone who is not around, it says a whole lot more about you than the person you are speaking about!
Two things to not gossip:
1. Guard your ears.
You can stop gossip with one question; “why are you
telling me this?”
It causes the person to stop and take a mental
Ask, “have you had the chance to speak with so and
so about this?”
Matthew 18:15
15 “If another believer[a] sins against you,[b] go privately and point out the offense.
2. Close your mouth.
Proverbs 20:19
19 A gossip goes around telling secrets, so don’t
hang around with chatterers.
Don’t hang around chatterers.
Proverbs 21:23
23 Watch your tongue and keep your mouth shut, and you will stay out of trouble.
Luke 6:31
31 Do to others as you would like them to do to
Ask yourself, “Would I want someone speaking the same kind of information about me if I was not around?”
The problem is not our big fat mouth, the problem is our sin-stained heart – out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.
Gossip claims I am strong because they are weak. The gospel teaches that we are weak and only He is strong.
What if you got caught not gossiping but encouraging?
I feel I would be remiss if I didn’t also share the Rotary 4-way test here. I am copying and pasting this information from the Rotary website. You can find all the information at https://my.rotary.org/en/guiding-principles
The Four-Way Test
The Four-Way Test is a nonpartisan and nonsectarian ethical guide for Rotarians to use for their personal and professional relationships.
Of the things we think, say, or do:
Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
The challenge is simple this week: what will your influence be? I seriously doubt that I have shared one thing here that has surprised anyone. We all know that it is not right to talk poorly of another, to share their secrets, or to point out a failing moment that they had in their life. Let us all remember, it has never been intentions that create the life we live, it is only our actions. Let’s live to the fullness of who we were created to be and rise about “what everyone else is doing.” Let’s be intentional, positive, and encouraging…always!
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at kevin@whatwillyourinfluencebe.com.
Have a great day, a wonderful weekend, please cherish your precious families, and please stay well!
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