Sunday, March 2, 2014

There Is No Off Day

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day and that you are enjoying a wonderful weekend! It is an absolutely beautiful weekend in Arizona.

You ever wake up and feel like, "I am tired, I have my issues, I have things on my mind and I really don't want to be intentional and I definitely don't want to be positive...I just want to survive this day!" You ever have a day like that? Yeah, me too. The thing about our lives however is we don't have that option...the option of not being influenced or influencing other lives. Unless you live completely by yourself, without any human interaction whatsoever, you are being influenced by what is poured into your life and you are influencing other lives by the things you say and do, and the attitude that you do these things, each and every day.

My Beautiful Bride is getting really tired of me saying this however it is true; "We are going to go through this time regardless. Our only choice is how we are going to go through it." Whatever your "it" is, it too shall pass. How you choose to go through it - your thoughts, your words, your actions & your attitude, are going to greatly impact the type of influence you have on others and as a result, the relationship you will have with them. Whether we are experiencing a mountain top or valley moment, this too shall pass. And when it is said and done, we will be left with the relationships that we have created in part due to the choices we made during this times.

Life is hard. We all get tired, weary, discouraged & fearful. It is at precisely those moments that we need to become more intentional, when we need to closely guard our hearts & minds lest we wind up on a path that we never intended, leading us to a place that we never wanted to go.

Whoever you are and wherever you are on this beautiful morning Friend, please know that your life matters greatly. There are people who need you and lives that can be changed forever - for good or bad - by the words you speak, the things you do and the heart with which you do them. The first, the most important choice, begins with you. Ultimately, each one of us only controls ourselves...if only we could learn and truly understand this point. You can choose to be intentional, to be positive regardless of where you stand today. While you can't make those whose lives you are privileged to speak to choose the same, your life will influence theirs.

I also wanted to share a real quick quote with you:
"Listen earnestly to anything your children want to tell you, no matter what. If you don't listen eagerly to the little stuff when they are little, they won't tell you the big stuff when they are big, because to them all of it has always been big stuff." - Catherine M. Wallace
This is so powerful to me. Such a great reminder. While my thoughts, worries, concerns, etc. are so real to me, it is so easy to look at my little 8-year old and think, "Geez, I wish my problems were as easy as his problems are." In reality, his issues are every bit as big to him as mine are to me. To validate his thoughts & feelings, to come alongside him on his journey is an honor & privilege...something I definitely don't want to miss. It is only in keeping things in perspective - true perspective not just my perspective - that I will get to be able to enjoy the most gloriest ride of all...doing life with my Beautiful Bride and 3 Tender Warriors.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always be willing to help you any way I can.

Have a great day, enjoy the rest of your weekend and please cherish your precious families.


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