Friday, April 25, 2014

Be Alive

Happy Friday Friends!

I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day on this beautiful Friday morning and that you have had a great week!

This morning I want to share a few things that I came across this week.

“For most of life, nothing wonderful happens. If you don’t enjoy getting up and working and finishing your work and sitting down to a meal with family or friends, then the chances are that you’re not going to be very happy. If someone bases his happiness or unhappiness on major events like a great new job, huge amounts of money, a flawlessly happy marriage or a trip to Paris, that person isn’t going to be happy much of the time. If, on the other hand, happiness depends on a good breakfast, flowers in the yard, a drink or a nap, then we are more likely to live with quite a bit of happiness.” - Andy Rooney
How many of us live our live our lives this way? When this or that happens, then I will be happy. If I lived in this or that place, if I had this or that job...then I would be happy. If I could just find this or that person, if the person that I have in my life would just do this or that...then I would be happy. Ever thought, heard or shared these types of things? Most of us have. It has been called "Destination Disease." One of many problems with this is that the destination always changes.
The reality is that true joy, true happiness is found in the journey, in the day to day living, the day to day interactions and the countless opportunities that present themselves to us each and every day. To find peace and contentment in our situation(s) and at the same time be willing to strive for the greatness that lies within each and every one of us...this would truly be a wonderful life. Ironically most of us want to change each and every situation and remain exactly what we are - illogical and yet where many, perhaps most, find themselves.
"Regardless of WHAT we do in our lives, our WHY - our driving purpose, cause or belief - never changes. If our Golden Circle [why, what and then how we live] is in balance, WHAT we do is simply the tangible way we find to breathe life into that cause." - Simon Sinek
Most of us, especially men, define ourselves by what we do...the jobs we have. A job is a job - you are a fearfully and wonderfully created person. You are perfectly equipped for great purposes. Your job - if you are walking in balance - is just how you fulfill that purpose.
Here is the first thing I would like to challenge you to resolve in your own Spirit; what is your purpose, cause or belief? What are you passionate about? What, when you think about it, stirs your Spirit? Answer this question, really drill down and you will find your beautiful "why." And guess what happens when you find your "why?" You will come alive in ways that you never thought, hoped, imagined or dreamed. Chances are, at least for the short-term, you will still have the same job however the way you see things, the way you act, the passion you bring to each day will be completely different.
"Many of us sabotage success by wrongly telling ourselves we aren't good enough, worthy or capable. We're surrounded by potential world changers, too afraid of the task because it means being authentic, speaking truths hard to hear, or being criticized. Most importantly, many of us are afraid that being the light makes others' lives go dark. We feel guilty for becoming the best version of ourselves. The truth is, it's only by being the light that our existence serves others. When we grow or achieve our goals, we empower others to do the same." - Torrie Patillo 
So beautifully stated! Be the world changer you were created to be! Don't get to the end of this day, the end of your life with others saying, "He/she had so much potential." What a tragedy that would be. Be the authentic you that you were created to be. Speak truth. Criticism is going to rain down on all of us no matter what we do...let us simply make sure that it is not our own Spirit that is criticizing us. If we will please that - our own heart, our own Spirit - peace will flow through us.
Yes, yes, yes! Let your light shine! The truth of the matter Friend is that you were placed on this earth to fulfill a purpose. We, all of us, we need you to pursue your purpose, to the very best of your ability, each and every day. When you do so you empower us, all the rest of us, to do the same!
O.K., I just have to share a little "Landry-ism" with you this morning to put a smile on your face as I end this Happy Friday. Landry is my 8-year old son. We have a duck that has been taking baths and swimming in our pool. A really cute little brown duck. I am the only one of the Haslam family to have seen our little friend so far. Landry and I have waited and looked for this little guy for the last two days. As we were waiting yesterday morning I said, "Where is the duck?" Landry, with all the boldness and confidence of an 8-year old, looked me dead in the eye and said, "Maybe he already flew West for the winter." :)
Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always be willing to help you any way I can.
Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish those precious families!

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