Friday, February 27, 2015


Happy Friday Friends!

I hope & trust this post finds you having a great day and that an awesome week is coming to a close for you!

Baseball season is here! Gehrig had his first baseball games yesterday and thankfully, I was able to be there. I absolutely love watching my boys play sports...a true blessing!

This weeks Happy Friday is going to be directed more at men - husbands & fathers - as the leaders of our homes and will, I think, be rather succinct. While the message will be short, the ramifications will truly echo in eternity.

Last Sunday our Pastor preached a truly wonderful sermon - meaning it spoke to me heart! :) As he started he gave an example of mountain climbing. He stated that in mountain climbing more experienced climbers go first and place anchors directly into the mountain so those less experienced coming after them can safely follow. Then on the screen appeared an anchor, right into the side of a completely vertical rock. It was really quite powerful to see. When you look at something that is smooth, straight up & down you realize that there is absolutely no way that a human being could climb up that rock. Then you see this anchor, a round piece of metal securely fastened into the side of the rock. You then see how someone could clip their harness to that anchor and safely hang there - safe and secure, their full weight resting on the anchor that someone who had gone before them had left. The probability of an inexperienced climber making it up the side of the mountain by themselves is not very high. However because someone else had gone before them, because someone else had left anchors, the inexperienced climber can scale the wall, resting their full weight on each anchor along the way. It is really a beautiful picture - literally & metaphorically.

The Pastor then went on to talk about Jesus - He left a huge anchor...the anchor to enable us to reach Heaven!! - as well as some other Biblical men & women. The thought that kept pounding in my heart was, "What anchors are you leaving for your family?" I have thought of that conviction of my spirit literally hundreds of times this past week.

As the leaders of our homes, we are leaving anchors. The questions we need to answer are:
1. Where are they leading?
2. Is this really where we want our wives, sons and/or daughters to go?
3. Are we placing firm anchors - the kind where they can truly rest their full weight? Safely?

I can't tell you where your anchors should lead just as you can't tell me where mine should lead and  quiet honestly, that is not the point. The point is for you & I to realize we are setting anchors and to thoughtfully consider where they are leading. Take some time, reflect on the path you are leading and determine the course from this point forward. While we can't undo the anchors we have already set as we are clinging to the side of this rock wall of life, we can thoughtfully, methodically plan the next anchor...and then the next...and then the next. I don't know about you however when I think of the leadership of my home, when I think of the anchors that I am setting for my Beautiful Bride & Tender Warriors it inspires me and I recognize & feel the full weight of the responsibility of setting the anchors well.

The thought/challenge this week is "What anchors are you leaving?'

I want to close with a powerful excerpt from the book Act Like Men: 40 Days To Biblical Manhood by James Mac Donald:
Nothing is more important than your family. Nothing comes before your responsibility to watch out for them and provide a home safe from any assault upon them, body or soul. The television programs watched in your home are your responsibility. Every site visited by a computer or a smartphone in your house is on you. Keep watch! Who your kids' friends are, where they go when they are away from you is your responsibility. You're the watchman! How conflict is resolved, how Christ is prioritized, where the Word of God is positioned - all of it is entirely yours to oversee and you will answer to God for the job you did.
Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you. I will always help you any way I can.
Have a great day, a wonderful weekend and please cherish those precious families!

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