Happy Friday, Friends!
I hope and trust this post finds you all having a great day as a glorious new day begins to dawn in my Sweet Home Alabama! Each new day is such a gift! Let’s choose to honor this one by living it fully! 😊
Earlier this week I was listening to an older sermon from Life.Church. The title of the message is The Comparison Trap, Part 1: The Comparison Trap and Sam Roberts preached a phenomenal message! It originally aired on September 2, 2018.
Now there are a couple of really good tools that Pastor Roberts gave that I want to share with you quickly so I can get to what I really want to talk about! 😊
First, he stated that comparison has two distinct
- Leave us prideful.
- Leave us jealous.
Neither is good! Pastor Roberts didn’t say that however I am happily sharing the obvious!
Second, Pastor Roberts gave two ways to live
without comparing:
- Recognize what you have.
- Accept who you are.
If you remember nothing other than these two points from this Happy Friday, you will be on a much better path than you were two minutes ago when you started reading 2 minutes ago!
And then Pastor Roberts said this:
“Don’t lose you along the way!”
Please let that sink in Friends! Are you being the you that you were created to be? Are you striving to fulfill your potential? Or are you wishing you were something else? Someone else? If the latter is true, it would be a shame for you are incomparable!
Ephesians 2:10 (ESV) says:
10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.
If you have gone to church for any length of time you probably know this scripture, but do you KNOW this scripture?! Let’s break down a few things:
“For we are his workmanship” – how does that line up with what you say about yourself? You are not inadequate, broken, or insignificant! You are literally the workmanship of God. Please do me a favor and read this – “[Your name] is a workmanship of God.” Please, say it again and let it speak to the deepest recesses of your heart!
“created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand.” Ever feel inadequate or out of your league? Yeah, me too! But what if we really knew that we were created for good works, which God prepared for us to do beforehand? What if we really walked out this truth? Our talents and abilities are not a mistake neither are our platforms and appointments. In the beginning we might not have the experience – would kind of be weird to have experience at the beginning, wouldn’t it?!?! – however just because we have not done it yet doesn’t mean that we don’t have in us what it takes to do it!
And then this, “that we should walk in them.” Doesn’t leave much room for anything other than being the incomparable you that you are, does it? It doesn’t say, “that you should be like Bill, Bob, Nancy, or Martha, does it? No, it quite clearly states that WE should walk in them! Walk in what? The good works that God prepared for us when He created us! Truly powerful when you think about it and makes comparing seem silly!
I beg you, Friends, please be the you that you were created to be! You are unique and perfectly equipped for the purpose for which you were created. Embrace and honor this beautiful life that you are blessed to be living! You are incomparable – nobody can be exactly you and you can’t be anyone else! Let us not fall into the traps of pride or jealousy but rather let’s recognize what we have – and genuinely be grateful for all of our blessings! – and accept who we are! Please remember, [You name] is God’s workmanship! 😊
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if there is ever anything I can do for you or your family. I will always help you any way I can. You can reach me at kevin@whatwillyourinfluencebe.com.
Have a great day, a wonderful weekend, please cherish your precious families, and please stay well!
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